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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/14/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/14/2012)
Species INGA EDULIS Mart.
PlaceOfPublication Flora 20: Beibl. 113. 1837.
Synonym Mimosa Ynga VTell. Fl. Flum. Ic. 11:t. 3. 1827, fide Benth. Inga vera HBK. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 6:289. 1824, non Willd., fide Benth. Feuilleea edulis (Mart.) Ktze. Rev. Gen. P1. 1:187. 1891.
Description Small or medium tree, the branchlets ferruginous-tomentulose, lenticellate and angled or ridged. Leaves large, usually 10- or 12-foliolate; petioles mostly 2-4 cmii. long, terete, rufous-tomentose; rachis almost 20 cm. long, tomentose like the petiole, conspicuously alate, the wing usually 5 or more mm. wide on each side of the rachis, bearing prominent, oval, cupuliform or patelliform glands be- tween insertion of the petiolules, the glands broader than long; leaflets 3-6 pairs, apparently most commonly 5 or 6 pairs in Panama, ovate to elliptic, up to 15 cm. long and 5-7 cm. wide in terminal leaflets, usually about 12 as large in basal leaflets, acute and somewhat acuminate apically, mostly rounded basally, lightly tomentose below especially on the veins, sparsely appressed-pubescent above, the veins elevated and conspicuously reticulate below, conspicuous but not elevated above; stipules caducous, reported about 5 mm. long. Inflorescence generally of a few pedunculate spikes from the leaf axils, or often paniculate by insertion of such spikes at sub- terminal defoliate nodes; spikes mostly 6-8 cm. long, floriferous for the upper 2-3 cm., the flowers moderately congested; bracts ovate, about 5 mm. long, caducous in age. Flowers white, moderate; calyx turbinate, apparently 7-8 mm long in Panama, appressed short-pilose, the teeth regular and 1-2 mm. long; corolla tubular, almost 2 cm. lcng, relatively slender and little expanded apically, densely ascending- pilose, the lobes subequal and 2-4 mm. long; stamens mostly 4 cm. (or up to 5 cm.) long, the staminal tube slightly exserted; ovary glabrous, the style slightly exceeding the stamens. Legume as much as 1 m. long and up to 2 cm. wide or wider, ferrugineous-tomentose, somewhat tetragonous or subterete, the margins almost entirely covering the faces.
Habit tree
Distribution Mexico to Panama; South America to middle Brazil.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Almirante, Cooper d Slater 38; Changuinola Valley, Dunlap 220; Chiriqui Lagoon, H. von Wedel 1000; Water Valley, H. vont Wedel 1096.
Note This species is very variable, and the description given here is mostly drawn from the Panamanian material. Probably synonymous with I. edulis are I. Endlichii Harms and 1. latibracteata Harms (ex char.), and possibly a number of other "species" which intergrade with this. The Panamanian specimens cited resemble more closely collections from South America (Amazon Valley) than most collec- tions labeled I. edulis from northern Central America and Mexico. Evidently no well-established distinction between I. edulis and I. spuria has been apparent to most authors. Examination of all available specimens from Mexico to Brazil shows specimens, practically indistinguishable from each other, determined rather indis- criminately as either I. edulis, I. spuria, or even other species. I. edulis is here in- terpreted as having a more slender, less stocky corolla and a generally smaller calyx than I. sfrwria. The leaflets likewise appear significantly larger (especially wider) in I. edulis than in I. spuria (in Panama). The H. von Wedel specimens cited appear somewhat atypical (more leaflets; corolla more elongate).
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