(Last Modified On 11/27/2012)
(Last Modified On 11/27/2012)
Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20:240. 1919.
Cassia parahyba Vell. Fl. Flum. 168. 1825; Ic. 4:t. 7I. 1827. Schizolobium excelsum Vogel, in Linnaea 11:399. 1837. Schizolobium glutinosurn Tul. in Archiv. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris 4:157. 1844. Caesalpinia parahyba Allem. Trab. Soc. Vell. 1:56. 1852. Schizolobium Kellermanuii Pittier, in Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 18:232. 1917.
A tall, buttressed tree to 25 m. or more, the branchlets subglabrous. Leaves very large, twice-pinnate, multifoliolate; petiole stout, 1 dm. or more long, evi- dently eglandular, glabrous or somewhat viscid, slightly flattened or sulcate above; secondary petioles similar, about 1 cm. long, callous basally; rachis several dm. long, eglandular, flattened and margined above, the pinnae (several to many) arising opposite in pairs on the upper side; stipules apparently small, caducous; leaflets several to many pairs on each pinna, oblong or linear-oblong, 1.5-3 cm. long, 4-7 mm. wide, rounded apically and basally, dark and puberulent to glabrous above, lighter and appressed-pubescent below, subcoriaceous, the midvein very prominent, the lateral veins obscure; ultimate petiolules about 1 mm. long. In- florescence multiflorate, as described for the genus; bracts lanceolate, scarcely 2 mm. long; pedicels up to 1 cm. long in age, articulate above the middle. Flowers attractive, yellow; calyx-tube turbinate, 2-3 mm. long, dark and usually tomentu- lose without; calyx-lobes ovate-elliptic, about 6 mm. long and 3 mm. wide, puberu- lent; petals obovate-spatulate, almost 2 cm. long and usually 4-6 mm. wide, sub- glabrous, obscurely veined; stamens 10, as described for the genus, about as long as the petals, the filaments broader and scurfy basally, the anthers broadly elliptic, about 2 mm. long; ovary subfalcate, about 5 mm. long and 2 mm. broad, hispid- tomentose with dark hairs, few-ovulate. Legume obovate-spatulate, narrowed baseward, about 10 cm. long and 2.5-5 cm. wide, glabrous, bearing the solitary seed apically; seed flattened-ovoid, up to 2 cm. long.
Mexico; Central America; South America.
CANAL ZONE: along R. Chagres, Steyermark & Allen I6785. PANAMA: Chorrera, Allen I599.
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