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!Centrolobium yavizanum Pittier Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/6/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/6/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. 5: 469. 1915.-Fig. 137.
Description Tree, the branchlets terete, densely pubescent and obviously orange-lepidote. Leaves with 9-21 leaflets, these oblong or ovate-oblong, 5-13 cm. long, about 6 cm. wide, briefly acuminate, chartaceous to thin-chartaceous, moderately villosulose especially on costa and veins, densely orange-lepidote below, the costa immersed or subprominulous, tapering markedly toward the apex; petioles 6-10 cm. long, up to 0.4 cm. wide, densely puberulent; stipules orbicular, membranous, villose. Panicles terminal, up to 50 cm. long, the branches arcuate, densely puberulent, orange-lepidote; bracteoles flat, rotund, about 1 mm. long, carnose, puberulent. Flowers with the hypanthium gibbous, campanulate, about 8 mm. long, carnose, glabrous but ferruginous-villoisulose at the tips of the teeth, the upper teeth united almost to the apex, about 4 mm. long, the carinal tooth suborbicular, about 4.5 mm. long, and 4 mm. wide; vexillum strongly reflexed, obovate-oblong, about 11 mm. long, broadly cuneate at the base, the claw carnose; wing and carinal petals subequal, obovate-oblong, about 15 mm. long, about 4 mm. wide, gibbous proxi- mally along the upper margin, the auricles small, carnose, glabrous, the claw short; carinal petals falcately and narrowly oblong, about 11 mm. long, about 4 mm. wide, the lower margin tapering to the base, the upper margin gibbous at the base, the auricles about 1.5 mm. long, rounded; stamens monadelphous, the sheath about 4 mm. long, about 3 mm. wide near the base, about 1.7 mm. wide near the apex, glabrous, the filaments subulate, about 1.5 mm. long, the anthers about 1 mm. long. Fruits stipitate for about 2.5 cm., the stipe with a few subulate spines up to 0.3 cm. long, the seminiferous area turgid, subrotund, about 4 cm. long, the spines 1.2-1.8 mm. long, about 0.5 mm. wide, the wing cultriform, up to 10 cm. long, scarcely wider at the apex than at the base, the upper proximal portion elevated above the seminiferous area for about 1.2 cm., the stylar spine oblique, up to 1.2 cm. long, carrying the wing almost to its apex, the wing thin, glandular-lepidote, densely puberulent, the upper margin straight, the lower margin arcuate, the veins delicate, broadly arcuate; seeds usually solitary, oblong, about 0.6 cm. long, contorted, hard, smooth, lustrous, drying yellow.
Habit Tree
Distribution Known only from the Province of Darien, Panama.
Native Panama
Specimen DARIEN: Yaviza, Pittier 6572; El Real, Stern, Chambers, Dwyer & Ebinger 731, 761, 761A
Note The collections of Stern, Chambers, Dwyer & Ebinger cited above, were made from a solitary tree in a pasture adjacent to the airport at El Real. Laden with flowers (as well as with green fruits in all stages of development), it provided material for the first adequate description of the blossoms. Especially noteworthy is the absence of a hypogynous disk in the flowers. In botanizing on the banks of the river at the type locality of Yaviza, a few miles from El Real, we found abundant fruits of C. yavizanuzm. It is known as amarillo de Guayaquil and is sought by lumbermen.
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