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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 9/27/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 9/27/2013)
Species Diphysa robinioides Benth.
PlaceOfPublication Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Na- turhist. Foren. Kj0benhavn 1853: 11. 1854.
Note TYPE: Nicaragua, not seen.
Synonym Diphysa carthagenensis sensu Benth. & Oerst., Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Foren. Kjobenhavn 1853: 13. 1854. not D. carthagenensis Jacq., Enum. Syst. P1. Carib. 28. 1760; Sel. Stirp. Amer. 208. tab. 181.fig. 51. 1763.
Description Medium-sized tree, usually 5-9(-23) m tall, branchlets usually glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate, to 16 cm long; leaflets
Habit tree
Description (5-)9-15(-21), the lateral leaflets opposite or subopposite, oval or obovate, usu- ally 1.5-3.5 cm long, 0.5-1.0 cm wide, unequal, even on the same specimen, distal leaflets often larger, rounded or retuse at the apex, glabrous and paler beneath, short-petioluled; petioles 1-3 cm long; stipules 2-4 mm long, caducous. Inflorescence of short axillary racemes, 4-7 cm long, 3-6-flowered, appearing with new growth at the end of dry season, pedicels 4-6 mm long. Flowers bright yellow, to 2 cm long; hypanthium funnel shaped, 6-9 mm long, glabrous, the upper teeth partly united, broader than others, the lateral and lowest tooth tri- angular, the lowest tooth slender; standard circular, to 20 mm long, the claw ca. 4 mm long, the wings free, obovate to oblong, auriculate, the keel with basal auricles prominent; stamens diadelphous; ovary with stipe ca. 4 mm long. Fruit a legume with exocarp on either side thin, inflated, conspicuously reticulate veined, (4-)6-11 cm long, 1.5-2.0 cm wide, glabrous; fruiting pedicels 1.5-2.0 cm long, stipe 5-8 mm long; seeds light brown, ca. 6 mm long, ca. 3 mm wide.
Distribution found from southern Mexico to Panama.
Note It is appar- ently a common tree in parts of Panama, including the Canal Zone (Standley, 1928). Common names in Panama include "macano" and "cacique." It is used as a living fence post. Jacquin (1763) was in error when he cited his plate CLXXX; no figure 51 appears in that plate, but does appear on the next page, plate CLXXXI and the species figured is Diphysa carthagenensis. Most references cite 180, but 181 appears to be correct. Diphysa robinioides is somewhat variable in leaflet size (usually longer than 15 mm, rarely shorter), leaflet texture (usually thin, rarely thick), whether the leaflet apex is rounded or retuse, pubescence (usually none or sparse), and length of legume (usually 6-11 cm long). Collections of flowering specimens have young leaves only. These are, of course, smaller, thus somewhat confusing the situation. Young fruits which may look mature are shorter than fully mature fruits, also complicating the situation. Diphysa robinioides is apparently closely related to D. carthagenensis Jacq. The latter species is distinguished by its smaller leaflets (7-15 mm long), shorter corolla (ca. 10 mm long), and shorter legume (ca. 4 cm long). Diphysa carthagenensis, like D. robinioides, is usually glabrous. Diphysa carthagenensis has been found in Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala, and Mexico, and is therefore to be looked for in Panama. Diphysa floribunda Rose is also similar to D. robinioides. It has the large leaflets, corolla, and legume of that species but it is densely pubescent on branch- es and peduncles. The leaves are also pubescent, at least when young. Diphysa floribunda has been found in Mexico and Guatemala. It may represent a variety of D. robinioides (Standley & Steyermark, 1946). Duke 9317 from Rio Ailigandi, San Blas, has the short (4 cm) legumes of D. carthagenensis but is leafless. Further collections are necessary for satisfactory determination. Lewis et al. 181, also collected along the Rio Ailigandi, is clearly D. robinioides.
Specimen WITHOUT LOCALITY:- Seemann 202 (US). CANAL ZONE: Pacific Saddle Club area, Blum 2055 (FSU, GH, MO, SCZ). Pacora Road, Correa & Dressler 444 (GH, MO). Gaillard Highway near Paraiso, Croat 13174 (DUKE, F, MO, NY, SCZ). Near Paraiso, Croat 13254 (DUKE, F, MO, SCZ). Cerro Galera, 350-400 m, Gentry 6608 (MO). Summit, Johansen s.n. (NY). Gatuncillo, Piper 5119 (US). Balboa, Standley 27129 (GH, US). Paraiso, Tyson 7401 (MO). CHIRIQUI: San Lorenzo, Godfrey This content downloaded from on Wed, 18 Sep 2013 16:05:15 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions678 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN [VOL. 67 67334 (FSU, MO). San Felix, 0-120 m, Pittier 5234 (NY, US). Comarca del Bar6, Stern & Chambers 134 (US). 3 mi S of El Volcan, 4000 ft, Tyson 886 (FSU, MO). COCLi: S rim of El Valle de Ant6n, 800 m, Allen 2283 (F, GH, MO, NY, US). El Valle de Ant6n, Folsom & Kauke 2766 (MO). 1 mi from El Valle, Garner 32 (FSU, SCZ). Capellania, Gonzalez 4 (DUKE, MO). El Valle, White & White 67 (MO, US). Penonom6, Williams 122 (NY, US). DARIEN: Jenin6, Duke 3486 (MO). HERRERA: Chitr6, 20 m, Allen 1096 (GH, MO, US). Oci, 100 m, Allen 4074 (MO). Road from Oci to Chupampa, Graham 224 (GH). Oc6, Stern et al. 1742 (MO, US). 4 mi S of Los Pozos, Tyson 2694 (FSU). LOS SANTOS: 7 mi S of Las Tablas, D'Arcy 4205 (MO). 1-2 mi W of Candelaria, Duke 12432 (MO, NY). Las Tablas, Dwyer 1146 (NY), 2494 (US). Road from Macaracas to Chitr6 Highway, Tyson et al. 3149 (FSU, MO, SCZ). PANAMA: Pacora Road, Correa & Dressler 444 (SCZ, US). Chepo, Gentry & Tyson 1728 (F, FSU, MO, SCZ). Near Panama City, Hunter (GH, MO). Anc6n Hill, Hunter (MO). Chepo, Kluge 28 (US). Cerro Azul, 600 m, Lao & Holdridge 39 (DUKE). Bellevista, MacBride 2751 (F, US). Sabanas, Paul 169 (US). Sabana de Juan Corso, Pittier 4641 (US). Corozal Road, Standley 26822 (US). Between Las Sabanas and Matias Hernindez, Standley 31826 (GH, US). W of Chepo, Tyson 5371 (FSU, MO, SCZ). Cerro Azul above lake, Tyson & Lazor 6087 (FSU). SAN BLAS: Lower Rio Ailigandi, Duke 9317 (MO). Ailigandi river bank, Lewis et al. 181 (GH, MO, US). VERAGUAS: E of Santiago, 30 m, Duke 12351 (MO). Between Quebrada El Nance and Santa F6, 250 m, Nee 8146 (MO). Between San Francisco and Santa F6, Stern et al. 1919 (MO, US). El Embalsadero, Tyson 6091 (SCZ).
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