(Last Modified On 11/14/2012)
(Last Modified On 11/14/2012)
Sp. Pl. 4:1018. 1806.
Mimosal fagifolia Jacq. Stirp. Amer. Hist. 1:264, t. I64. 1763, non L., fide Benth. Mimosa laurina Sw. Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 85. 1788. Feuilleea laurina Ktze. Rev. Gen. P1. 1:184. 1891.
Moderate-sized tree, the branchlets glabrous and markedly lenticellate. Leaves moderate-sized, usually 4- (or sometimes 6-, or reported occasionally 2-) foliolate; petiole 1-2 cm. long, terete except angled laterally above, glabrous; rachis 2-5 cm. long, glabrous, wingless but ridged and somewhat marginate laterally above, bear- ing a small, sessile, disc-like or subcupuliform gland between insertion of the pepiolules; leaflets usually 2 pairs, sometimes 3 or 1? pair, mostly oblong or elliptic, 4-12 cm. long and 1.5-5.5 cm. wide, usually acute and bluntly acuminate apically, cuneate and slightly inequilateral basally, glabrous above and below; stipules linear- oblong, up to 5 or 6 mm. long, pubescent, subpersistent or caducous. Inflorescence of 1 or 2 elongate spikes from each of a number of foliate or defoliate axils; spikes subglabrous, about 10 cm. long, the peduncular portion only about 2 cm. long, the many flowers scattered over the remaining floriferous portion. Flowers whitish, glabrous to puberulent; calyx cupuliform-tubular, 1-2 mm. long, the teeth minute but distinct; corolla usually 4-5 mm. long, narrowed basally, expanded apically, subglabrous; stamens 12-15 mm. long, fused basally into a tube greatly and notice- ably exceeding the corolla (Panama?) or only slightly exceeding the corolla. Legume reported flat and strongly compressed, 7-15 cm. long and 2-3.5 cm. wide, subglabrous, the margins thickened.
Mexico to Panama; West Indies.
CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Bangbam 547. CHIRIQUI: Boca Chica, Pittier 5I19. coc U: Bismarck, Williams 532. HERRERA: Ocu, Allen 4037. PANAMA: Capira, Allen I688, R. Pacora, Allen 8I7.
As with most species of the genus, I. laurina exhibits variability, noticeable here especially in length of the staminal tube relative to the corolla. In fact, certain specimens are almost identical with respect to the elongate staminal tube to South American material generally accepted as I. fagifolia Willd. Bentham (Trans. Linn. Soc. 30:608) considered the elongate staminal tube, along with a more pronouncedly bordered rachis and a fruit difference, as distinguishing I. fagifolia from- I. laurina. Panamanian (and Mexican) material could sometimes be con- sidered either of these two species, leading us to believe that combining these names (and probably that of I. cylindrica (Vell.) Mart. also) might eventually prove in order. In Panama, I. laurina (regarding I. fagifolia as a separate species not occur- ring there) is fairly readily delimited from other species except I. marginata by distinctive leaflet appearance and the elongate, relatively lax spikes. I. coruscans H. & B. ex Willd., of northern South America, resembles I. laurina except for the leaflet which is like that of I. marginata.
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