Vicia cracca L. | Yefimov, K. F. 1988. Carylogical study of the species of the genus Vicia (Fabaceae) from the central Caucasus. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 73: 641–651. | 88-89 | | 28 |
Vicia cracca L. | Arohonka, T. 1982. Chromosome counts of vascular plants of the island Seili in Nauvo, southwestern Finland. Ann. Univ. Turku., Ser. A, Biol.-Geogr. 3: 1–12. | 84-85 | | 28 |
Vicia cracca L. | Krogulevich, R. E. 1984. In R.E. Krogulevich & T.S. Rostovtseva, Khromosomnye Chisla Tsvetkovykh Rastenii i Sibiri Dal'nego Vostoka. Izdatel'stvo "Nauka", Sibirskoe Otdelenie, Novosibirsk. ý. | 84-85 | | 14 |
Vicia cracca L. | Roti-Michelozzi, G. 1984. Biosystematic investigations on north western Italian populations of the Vicia cracca aggregate. Webbia 38: 815–827. | 84-85 | | 14, 21, 22, 28 |
Vicia cracca L. | Krogulevich, R. E. 1978. Kariologicheskij analiz vidov flory Vostochnogo Sajana. V Flora Pribajkal'ja. 19–48. Nauka, Novosibirsk. | 84-85 | | 14 |
Vicia cracca L. | Yefimov, K. F. 1987. Chromosome numbers in some members of the Fabaceae from central Caucasus. Bot. Zhurn. 72: 845. | 86-87 | | 28 |
Vicia cracca L. | Luo, M. & J. w. Wang. 1989. The karyotypes and taxonomy of Chinese Vicia L. Pp. 79--83 in D. Hong (editor), Plant Chromosome Research 1987. | 88-89 | | 12, 24 |
Vicia cracca L. | Sokolovskaya, A. P., N. S. Probatova & E. G. Rudyka. 1989. Chromosome numbers in some species of the flora of the Soviet far east from the families Actinidiaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Fabaceae, Ranunculaceae, Saxifragaceae. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 74: 268–271. | 88-89 | | 14 |
Vicia cracca L. | Semerenko, L. V. 1989. Chromosome numbers in some members of the families Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Orchidaceae and Poaceae from the Berezinsky Biosphere Reservation (Byelorussia) flora. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 74: 1671–1673. | 88-89 | | 28 |
Vicia cracca L. | Verlaque, R., C. Vignal & M. Seidenbinder. 1987. Recherches cytotaxonomiques sur la spéciation en région Méditerrannéene II: espèces dysploides. Biol.-Ecol. Medit. 10: 291–313. | 88-89 | | 14, 28 |
Vicia cracca L. | Nishikawa, T. 1985. Chromosome counts of flowering plants of Hokkaido (9). J. Hokkaido Univ. Educ., Sect. 2B 36: 25–40. | 88-89 | | 12 |
Vicia cracca L. | Allione, S. 1987. Numeri cromosomici per la flora Italiana: 1118--1126. Inform. Bot. Ital. 19: 305–313. | 88-89 | | 21, 28 |
Vicia cracca L. | Pavlova, N. S., N. S. Probatova & A. P. Sokolovskaja. 1989. Taksonomicheskij obzor semejstva Fabaceae, chisla khromosom i rasprostranenie na Sovetskom Dal'nem Vostoke. Komarovskie Čtenija (Vladivostok) 36: 20–47. | 90-91 | | 14 |
Vicia cracca L. | Krasnikov, A. A. & D. N. Schaulo. 1990. Chromosome numbers in representatives of some families of vascular plants in the flora of the Novosibirsk region. II. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 75: 118–120. | 90-91 | | 14 |
Vicia cracca L. | Nikiforova, O. D. 1990. Chromosome numbers in some Siberian species of the genera Vicia (Fabaceae) and Beckmannia (Poaceae). Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 75: 121. | 90-91 | | 14 |
Vicia cracca L. | Mesĭcek, J. & J. Sojăk. 1995. Chromosome numbers of Mongolian angiosperms. II. Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 30: 445–453. | 94-95 | | 14 |
Vicia cracca L. | Lövkvist, B. & U. M. Hultgård. 1999. Chromosome numbers in south Swedish vascular plants. Opera Bot. 137: 1–42. | 98-00 | | 28+0-1B |
Vicia cracca L. | Belaeva, V. A. & V. N. SIPLIVINSKY. 1975. Chromosome numbers and taxonomy of some species of Baikal flora. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 60(6): 864–872. | | | 14 |
Vicia cracca L. | TOMKINS, D. J. & W. F. Grant. 1978. Morphological and genetic factors influencing the response of weed species to herbicides. Canad. J. Bot. 56: 1466–1471. | | | 4X=28 |
Vicia cracca L. | CINCURA, F. 1974. Correction in Index to chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora. Part 4. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 23: 1–23. | | | 14 |
Vicia cracca L. | Kuzmanov, B. A. 1975. In IOPB chromosome number reports XLIX. Taxon 24: 501–516. | | | 28 |
Vicia cracca L. | Volkova, S. A. & D. D. Basargin. 2002. Chromosome numbers of species of Chabarovsk territory flora. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 87(4): 165–167. | 01-03 | | 12 |
Vicia cracca L. | Volkova, S. A., E. V. Boyko & I. G. Gavrilenko. 1999. Chromosome numbers in the representatives of some families of the Primorye territory flora. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 84(2): 140–141. | 01-03 | | 14 |