(Last Modified On 3/28/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/28/2013)
Hasseltia floribunda H.B.K.
Nov. Gen. Sp. P1. 1: 232, pl. 651, 1825.-Fig. 4.
Shrub or small tree 3-10 m high, the trunk to 30 cm in diam, the branchlets glabrous or appressed-puberulous. Leaves dark green, with the petioles to 4 cm long, canaliculate above, glabrous or appressed-puberulous; blade from narrowly to broadly-elliptic, sometimes oblong-elliptic, acute at the base, obtusely acuminate at the apex, coarsely and irregularly serrate along the margins, to 22.5 cm long and 11 cm wide, chartaceous, glabrous above, glabrous or appressed-puberulous especially along the veins below, the main veins and secondary veins prominent
Shrub or small tree
beneath, the network of the veins prominulous below. Inflorescences usually large and many-flowered, the axes puberulous. Flowers greenish, yellowish-white or white, the pedicels slender, to 1 cm long, puberulous to tomentellous; sepals 4, reflexed, ovate, acute, to 2.8 mm long and 1.3-1.7 mm wide, puberulous to tomentel- lous; petals 4, reflexed, obovate, acute, to 2.7 mm long and 1.2-1.4 mm wide, puberulous to tomentellous; stamens 30-40, inserted on a glandular disc (apparently 8 separate glands), the filaments 3-4 mm long, puberulous to sparsely puberulous, the anthers ca 0.25-0.3 mm long; ovary substipitate, globose-ellipsoid, ca 1.5-1.8 mm long and 1.3-1.5 mm wide, puberulous to subglabrous, the style ca 1.5-2 mm long. Bacca subglobose, surmounted by the persistent style, 4-6 mm long, the pericarp succulent, red to black, puberulous, becoming glabrous; seeds 1 or 2, 3.5-4.5 mm long, the testa glabrous.
From Honduras to Panama, and in northern South America.
BOCAS DEL TORO: nr Bocas del Toro, Carleton 198 (F, US); Changuinola Valley, Dunlap 550 (F). CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado I, Bailey & Bailey 534 (F), Bangham 539 (F), Brown 39 (F), 57 (F), Dwyer 1450 (F), Shattuck 674 (MO), 855a (MO, US), 855b (MO), Standley 31441 (US), 40929 (US), Wetmore & Abbe 196 (F), Wilson 58 (F), 103 (F), Woodworth & Vestal 448 (F), 646 (F), Zetek 5071 (F); on Las Cruces Trail, vie Trans-Isthmian Hwy, Blum & Miller 2283 (MO); 12 m S of Colon, vie Rio Providencia, Blum & Tyson 2318 (MO); nr Quebracho on Panama Railroad, Christopherson .122 (US); Monte Lirio, Christopherson 129 (US); vie of Hill C-6, Ft. Sherman, shaded areas, Duke 4389 (MO); Madden Dam, Dwyer 2183 (MO); Empire Station, Hayes 36 (MO); Bojio Station, Hayes 946 (NY); common in many places along Panama Railroad, Hayes 1016 (NY); vic of Gatuncillo, Piper 5604 (NY, US), 5655 (US); hills N of Frijoles, Standley 27428 (US); Darien Station, moist thicket, Standley 31614 (US); Obispo, Standley 31686 (US); rd from Ft. Sherman to Gatun Locks, Tyson & Blum 3805 (MO). COLON: Portobello, La Cruzio Trail, Ebinger 100 (MO); betw France Field, Canal Zone, and Catival, wooded swamp, Standley 30266 (US), 30297 (US). DARIEN: trail betw Pinogana and Yavisa, alt ca 15 m, Allen 246 (F), 289 (F, MO, NY); headwaters Rio Chico, alt 500-750 ft, Allen 4604 (F, MO); Rio Pirre, 2-5 mi above El Real, Duke 5089 (MO); hills nr Pidiaque, Duke 8039 (MO); Rio Pirre, Duke & Bristan 8272 (MO), 8278 (MO); Rio Sabana, King Leopold III 104 (MO); forest around Pinogana, Pittier 6528 (US); El Real de Sta. Maria, Pittier 6967 (NY, US); vic of Paya, Rio Paya, Stern et al. 186 (MO, US); Rio Tuira, S of El Real, Don Pablo Othon's pasture, foothills of Cerro Pirre, Stern et al. 748 (MO, US); Cana & vic, alt 2000-6500 ft, Williams 984 (NY, US). PANAMA: along Rfo Juan Diaz above Juan Diaz, alt ca 30 m, Allen 940 (F, MO, NY, US); Bohio Soldado, Cowell 243 (NY, US); nr confluence of Rio Pacora & Rio Corso, alt ca 450 m, Duke 11968; San Jose I, Erlanson 380 (NY, US), Johnston 372 (MO, US); nr Chepo, Kluge 32 (F), s.n. (US); Rio Tapia, Standley 26139 (US), 28231 (US); Rio Tocumen, moist forest, Standley 29330 (US), 29360 (US); Juan Diaz, Standley 31597 (US). PROVINCE UNKNOWN: S. loc., Seemann s.n. (NY).
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