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Published In: Species Plantarum 1: 38. 1753. (1 May 1753) (Sp. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Name ReferenceIPCN ReferenceGametophytic CountSporophytic CountCountry 
Iris germanica L.Pandita, T. K. & P. N. Mehra. 1982. Karyotype analysis of some taxa of Iridaceae. Nucleus 25: 18–22. 82-83 48
Iris germanica L.Mao, J. q. & X. j. Xue. 1986. Chromosome numbers of thirteen iridaceous species from Zhejiang Province. Acta Agric. Univ. Zhejiang. 12: 99–101. 86-87 28
Iris germanica L.Sopova, M. & Z. Sekovski. 1982. Chromosome atlas of some Macedonian angiosperms. III. God. Zborn. Biol. Fak. Univ. Kiril Metod. 35: 145–161. 84-85 44
Iris germanica L.Váchová, M. & V. Feráková. 1986. Karyological study of the Slovak flora XII. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 33: 57–62. 92-93 44
Iris germanica L.Lovka, M. 1995. IOPB chromosome data 9. Int. Organ. Pl. Biosyst. Newslett. (Zurich) 24: 21–23. 94-95 44
Iris germanica L.Pandita, T. K. 1979. Cytological investigations of some monocots of Kashmir. Ph.D. Thesis, Chandigarh 1979. 79-81 48
Iris germanica L.Mehra, P. N. & T. K. Pandita. 1978. In IOPB chromosome number reports LXI. Taxon 27: 375–392.  48
Iris germanica L.POPOVA, M. & I. CESCHMEDJIEV. 1975. In IOPB chromosome number reports XLVII. Taxon 24: 143–146.  24
Iris germanica L.Sharma, A. K. 1970. Annual report, 1967-1968. Res. Bull. Univ. Calcutta Cytogenetics Lab. 2: 1–50.  44
Iris germanica L.Karihaloo, V. 1978. Chromosome numbers of irises from Kashmir. CIS Chromosome Inform. Serv. 24: 21–22.  44
Iris germanica L.Koca, F. 1997. Türkiye'de Iris germanica L. ve Iris albicans Lange: Morfoloji ve karyoloji. XIII. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi (17--20 Eylül 1996, Istanbul) 1: 490--500. 01-03 44
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