Plants 800–1200 mm high. Stem erect, ± dichotomously branched. Foliage leaves mostly 500–800 mm long, linear, with distinct, usually double main vein, 6–12 mm wide, mostly basal, cauline leaves at lower nodes shorter; upper nodes bearing short paired opposite entirely sheathing bract-like leaves, these green or becoming dry and brown, 9-20 mm long, acute, margins free to base. Rhipidial spathes obtuse to emarginate; inner 30–45 mm long, outer ± half as long. Flowers yellow to ± white, outer tepal limbs usually with solid, dark brown or orange nectar guides at bases or guides speckled, outer tepal claws densely hairy, often speckled orange to brown; outer tepals 32–35 × 20–23 mm, claws ± 12 mm long, limbs round to oblanceolate, spreading; inner tepals 25–35 × ± 18 mm, limbs spreading. Stamens free; filaments ± 6 mm long, broad and contiguous in lower half, filiform above; anthers 4–8 mm long. Ovary 9–10 mm long; style ± 2 mm long, branches 8–15 × 7–9 mm, crests 5–9 mm long. Capsules 18–25 × 15–20 mm, globose-truncate, dehiscing in upper half. Seeds angular, dark brown. Chromosome number 2n = 40. Flowering time: mainly spring and summer, August to February; lasting a single day.