Iris pseudacorus L. | Dmitrieva, S. A. & V. I. Parfenov. 1985. Kariologicheskaja kharakteristika nekotorykh vidov poleznykh rastenij flory Belorussii. Izv. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR, Ser. Biol. Nauk 6: 3–8. | 84-85 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Arohonka, T. 1982. Chromosome counts of vascular plants of the island Seili in Nauvo, southwestern Finland. Ann. Univ. Turku., Ser. A, Biol.-Geogr. 3: 1–12. | 84-85 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Mao, J. q. & X. j. Xue. 1986. Chromosome numbers of thirteen iridaceous species from Zhejiang Province. Acta Agric. Univ. Zhejiang. 12: 99–101. | 86-87 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Dmitrieva, S. A. 1986. Chisla khromosom nekotorych vidov rastenij Berezinskogo Biosfernogo Zapovednika. Zapov. Belorussii Issl. 10: 24–28. | 90-91 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Laublin, G. & M. Cappadocia. 1992. In vitro ovary culture of some Apogon garden irises (Iris pseudacorus L., I. setosa Pall., I. versicolor L.). Bot. Acta 105: 319–322. | 92-93 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Králik, E. 1986. Karyological study of the Slovak flora XVI. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 33: 77–80. | 92-93 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Colasante, M. & W. Sauer. 1993. The genus Iris L. in Latium (central Italy): general remarks on the morphological and karyological differentiation as well as on the ecological adaptation and flowering periods. Linzer Biol. Beitr. 25: 1189–1204. | 92-93 | | 32, 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Druskovic, B. & M. Lovka. 1995. IOPB chromosome data 9. Int. Organ. Pl. Biosyst. Newslett. (Zurich) 24: 15–19. | 94-95 | | 24, 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Jav|0urková-Jarolímová, V. 1992. In J. M|3esí|3ccek & V. Jav@0urková-Jarolímová, List of Chromosome Numbers of the Czech Vascular Plants. Academia, Praha. | 96-97 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Jav|0urková-Jarolímová, V. & J. Mĕsíček. 1992. In J. M|3esí|3ccek & V. Jav@0urková-Jarolímová, List of Chromosome Numbers of the Czech Vascular Plants. Academia, Praha. | 96-97 | | 32 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Albers, F. & W. Pröbsting. 1998. In R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler, Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. Bundesamt für Naturschutz & Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. | 98-00 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Lövkvist, B. & U. M. Hultgård. 1999. Chromosome numbers in south Swedish vascular plants. Opera Bot. 137: 1–42. | 98-00 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Natarajan, G. 1979. Etude caryosystematique de quelques monocotyledones de la garrigue Languedocienne. Nat. Monspel., Sér. Bot. 30: 1–27. | 79-81 | | 24 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Natarajan, G. 1979. In IOPB chromosoJne number reports LXV. Taxon 28: 629. | 79-81 | | 24 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Strid, A. & R. Franzen. 1981. In Chromosome number reports LXXIII. Taxon 30: 829–842. | 79-81 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Valdes-Bermejo, E. 1980. Numeros cromosomaticos de plantas occidentales. 1-34. Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 36: 373–389. | 79-81 | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Murin, A. 1974. In Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora. Part 4. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 23: 1–23. | | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Murin, A. 1978. In Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora. Part 6. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 26: 1–42. | | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | POPOVA, M. & I. CESCHMEDJIEV. 1975. In IOPB chromosome number reports XLVII. Taxon 24: 143–146. | | | 32,34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | POPOVA, M. & I. CESCHMEDJIEV. 1976. Karyologic investigation of the genus Iris L. in Bulgaria. Phytologija (Sofia) 5: 57–65. | | | 32,32+2 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Uhrikova, A. 1978. In Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora. Part 6. Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comenianae, Bot. 26: 1–42. | | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Dyer, A. F. 1976. The karyotype of Iris pseudacorus L. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 42: 421–429. | | | 34 |
Iris pseudacorus L. | Dalgiç, G. & C. Yarci. 1992. Trakya Bölgesi Iris L. Türleri. XI. Ulusal Biyoloji Kongresi (24--27 Haziran 1992, Elaziğ) Botanik 113--115. | 01-03 | | 34 |