Plants 50–200 cm high. Corm globose, obliquely flattened with wide, fan- or crescent-shaped basal ridge as wide as or wider than corm and sometimes almost circular, 8–15 mm diam., tunics splitting into fine, parallel fibrils clustered into scalloped fascicles along ridge. Stem subterranean or exserted up to 150 mm. Leaves 4 to 6, lower 2 basal when stem developed, filiform to terete or compressed-terete, 4-grooved, 0.5–1.5 mm diam. Peduncles up to 5, semiterete, up to 60 mm long, spreading in fruit, each pair diverging at ± 90o; outer bracts green with narrow membranous margins, 10–22 mm long, striate (5 or 6 veins/mm), inner bracts with broad, brownish or borwn-edged membranous margins. Flowers buttercup-yellow with yellow cup usually edged with dark brown blotches sometimes reduced to dark veins or rarely absent, outer tepals brown or reddish or faintly feathered on reverse; perianth tube funnel-shaped, 4–6 mm long; tepals elliptic, 15–35 × 5–10 mm. Filaments5–6 mm long, pilose toward base, yellow; anthers 4–8 mm long, yellow. Style dividing near anther apices, branches ± 2 mm long, divided halfway. Capsules ellipsoid, 8–10 mm long. Flowering time: July–Sept.