Plants ± 1–2 m high, solitary or a few stems tufted in small clumps. Corm 25–45 mm diam. Stem with lowermost peduncle 40–120 mm long. Foliage leaves several to many, 600–900 × 6.0–8.5 mm; reduced sheathing leaves ± 5. Spikes pendulous, terminal densely 5–9-flowered, laterals 3 to 7, each 2–7-flowered; bracts oblanceolate to elliptic, acute to shortly acuminate, 18–30 × 8–13 mm, rarely up to 2 internodes long, flecked brownish all over but more lightly toward margins, appearing brown to eye, lateral veins 5(6) each side of main vein. Flowers funnel-shaped, purplish pink; perianth tube (8–)9–13 mm long; tepals (20–)22–32 × 8–12(–16) mm. Anthers 8–9(–10) mm long. Stigmas held mostly 10–20 mm below top of perianth. Flowering time: June to November.