Plants (200–)300–500(–800) mm high. Corm subglobose to depressed-globose, 10–30 mm diam.; tunics of fine fibres, sometimes extending in a fibrous or papery collar. Stem erect or flexed outward above upper leaf and slightly inclined, simple or with up to 2(3) suberect branches from upper 1/2. Leaves 5–8, suberect, firm-textured, narrowly lanceolate, (100–)150–300(–500) × (5–)8–12(–20) mm, acute or acuminate, with raised main vein and strong submarginal vein ± 1 mm from margin, often reaching base of spike, usually forming a pseudostem at base, cauline leaves ± overlapping in lower 1/2 of stem, uppermost dry and clasping, bract-like. Spike suberect or inclined, ± 2-ranked, moderately dense or lax, 4 to 12(–15)-flowered; bracts dry and papery, pale translucent or straw below, densely speckled and flecked with dark brown above or at tips, often striate with brown veins, (8–)10–15(–18) mm long, acute to acuminate, obtuse, or minutely ± 3-toothed with middle tooth reduced, inner slightly shorter, bifid. Flowers slightly zygomorphic, bright red, orange red or pink, lower tepals with a small yellow blotch sometimes outlined with red, sometimes smaller on laterals, tepals sometimes prominently dark-veined, unscented; perianth tube obliquely funnel-shaped, (8–)12–16 mm long with basal 2–3 mm narrow, curved outward, widening to 8–10 mm diam.; tepals oblong to obovate, (10–)15–18(–20) mm long, obtuse, spreading, dorsal slightly wider, 8–10 mm wide, others 5–8 mm wide, lower median sometimes with a low thickened basal ridge. Filaments unilateral, arcuate, 7–12 mm long, included or exserted up to 3 mm; anthers 5–7 mm long, curved, apiculate, pink or yellow. Style dividing between middle and apex of anthers or sometimes beyond, branches 2–4 mm long. Capsules subglobose or obovoid, ± 10 mm long. Flowering time: (November) December to February (March).