Home Iridaceae of sub-Saharan Africa
Iridaceae in sub-Saharan Africa
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!Watsonia schlechteri L. Bolus Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Annals of the Bolus Herbarium 4: 47. 1926. (Ann. Bolus Herb.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/6/2016)
Acceptance : Accepted
Taxon Profile     (Last Modified On 8/8/2016)
Description: Plants 400–1 000 mm high. Corm depressed-globose, 30–50 mm diam.; tunics coarsely netted. Stem usually simple, rarely with short erect branches. Leaves 3 or 4, lower 2 or 3 ± basal, uppermost leaf partly sheathing stem, 1/2–2/3 as long as spike, narrowly lanceolate, 6–15 mm wide, midrib and margins heavily thickened and hyaline; bract-like cauline leaves 2 or 3, sheathing. Spike (6)12 to 30-flowered; bracts herbaceous and reddish below, becoming dry and brownish apically, 18–30 mm long, inner enclosed, greenish, to 17 mm long, entire or forked apically apically for 1–2(–5) mm. Flowers zygomorphic, bright reddish orange or occasionally deep pink, paler in tube; perianth tube with lower part 17–20 mm long, included or shortly emerging from bracts, upper part ascending to horizontal, sub-cylindric, 22–30 mm long, ± 9 mm diam. at mouth; tepals obovate-oblong, 20–24 × 12–15 mm, all spreading widely. Filaments unilateral, arcuate, 35–45 mm long, well exserted from tube; anthers 7–10 mm long, violet. Style dividing between middle and apex of anthers, branches ± 6 mm long. Capsules suglobose to obovoid, to 10 mm long. Seeds elongate-angular, 4–5 × 2 mm, distal end ridged or shortly winged. Flowering time: late November to early February.
Country: South Africa
South African Province: Eastern Cape, Western Cape
Distribution and ecology: relatively widespread through the mountains of Western Cape, from near Citrusdal south to Cape Hanglip, Bredasdorp and the Potberg thence through the Langeberg and inland on the Klein Swartberg, Rooiberg and Kammanassie Mtns as far east as the Kouga Mtns in Eastern Cape, growing singly or in small clumps on exposed, sandstone slopes and plateaus, flowering is stimulated by fire.
Diagnosis: recognized by the long-tubed, orange flowers with the lower part of the perianth tube 17–20 mm long and the upper part 22–30 mm long, filaments 35–45 mm long, and reddish, mostly herbaceous bracts 18–30 mm long. Watsonia pillansii from further east and along the coast has similar bracts and flowers, often with longitudinal ridges inside the perianth tube between the bases of the filaments, and mostly broader leaves, (7–)12–18 mm wide, with moderately thickened midrib and margins. The two species converge in the Langeberg between Cloets’s Pass and Riversdale, and plants from this area are difficult to identify with confidence.

Watonia fourcadei may have similar red to orange-red flowers but typically has shorter bracts, 13–18(–25) mm long, attenuate and somewhat scarious with the inner strongly forked, and diagnostic, obconic capsules tapering above.



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