Plants 1 200–2 000 mm high. Corm depressed-globose, 30–50 mm diam.; tunics coarsely netted. Stem erect or inclined below, usually with several short, ascending branches. Leaves 5 to 8, mostly basal, upper basal leaf sheathing stem below or entirely, 1/3–2/3 as long as spike, lanceolate to linear, 20–40 mm wide, bright apple-green, midrib lightly and margins lightly to moderately thickened; bract-like cauline leaves 2 or more, overlapping. Spike up to 20-flowered; bracts green below and dry and brownish above or entirely, often ± sticky, 10–18 mm long, inner ± as long or 2–3 mm shorter, acute or forked apically for 1–2 mm. Flowers zygomorphic, pale to deep pink or pale purple, darker in midline of lower 3 or all tepals and with white streak at base, rarely entirely white, faintly scented; perianth tube funnel-shaped, lower part 12–15(–20) long, emerging 3–8 mm from bracts, upper part flaring, ± horizontal to slightly pendulous, 8–20 mm long, 7–10 mm diam. at mouth; tepals spreading, oblanceolate to obovate, (26–)30–36 × 13–18 mm. Filaments unilateral, either arcuate-horizontal and somewhat spreading or decumbent, 13–18(–25) mm long; anthers 10–13mm long, purple (yellowish when flowers white). Style arching above or below stamens, dividing at or below anther apices, branches up to 7 mm long. Capsules ovoid to obovoid-truncate, 20–25(–30) × 7–10 mm. Seeds unequally 2-winged, 8–12 mm long, distal wing 2–3 mm long, proximal smaller or vestigial. Flowering time: October to early December (January).