3. Sanicula smallii E.P. Bicknell (southern sanicle)
Pl. 211 g; Map
perennial, with somewhat tuberous-thickened roots. Stems 20–60 cm long. Leaf
blades 1.5–12.0 cm long, deeply palmately mostly 3- or 5-lobed and/or compound.
Involucre with the bracts 6–40 mm long. Rays 0.2–3.0 cm long. Umbellets all
with a mixture of staminate and pistillate flowers, the staminate flowers
usually 1–7 per umbellet. Sepals 1.0–1.5 mm long, fused only at the base,
narrowly lanceolate, with the tip tapered to a sharp point. Petals greenish
white, usually shorter than the sepals. Stamens with the anthers white. Styles
shorter than the bristles of the fruit, slightly longer than the sepals. Fruits
4–6 mm long, sessile. 2n=16. May–June.
Uncommon, known
thus far only from a single historical collection from Ripley County
(southeastern U.S. west to Missouri and Texas). Bottomland forests.