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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Jahrb. Bot. Gart. Berlin 5:454. 1889.
Synonym Ocotea latifolia H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 2:133 [169]. 1817.
Description Shrub or small tree to 8 m. high; branchlets early subferruginous- or yellowish- sericeous, becoming glabrous, reddish, striate. Leaves alternate or subopposite; petioles pubescent to glabrous, stout, usually canaliculate, 6-12 mm. long; blades becoming glabrous except for inconspicuous axillary glands, chartaceous to sub- coriaceous, very shining above, dull beneath, elliptic, 12 (-15) cm. long and 3.5 (-6.5) cm. broad, the base cuneate to roundish, the apex caudate-acuminate, penninerved, the costa and nerves somewhat obscure above and elevated beneath, the nerves 4-6 pairs, diverging from the costa at an angle of 3 5-50 (-5 5) ?, the reticulation minute, exceedingly prominent above and beneath. Inflorescence axillary and subterminal, branching, subcorymbose-paniculate, to 9 (-13) cm. long, minutely pubescent, becoming glabrous, the peduncle to 5 cm. long. Flowers to 6 mm. in diameter, the perianth-lobes thick, papillose, elliptic-ovate, 2.15-2.5 (-3.4) mm. long; stamens of ser. I & II 0.6-0.8 (-1) mm. long, the anthers more or less nutant, subreniform, slightly emarginate, twice the length of the rather stout filaments; those of ser. III 0.8 (-1) mm. long, the anthers squarish, about equaling the filaments, the glands conspicuous, sessile, nearly equaling the anthers; staminodia ovate, 0.6 mm. long, the stipes nearly one-half to two-thirds their entire length; gynaecium glabrous, 1.25 mm. long, the ovary subglobose or ellip- soid, nearly three times the length of the thick, short style, the stigma triangular- subcapitate. Fruit black, subglobose, about 1 cm. in diameter, the subtending cupule shallow, not more than 2 mm. long, 6 mm. in diameter, and 0.5 mm. deep, the margin slightly and finely undulate, the pedicel enlarged to 3-4 mm. long and 2.5 mm. in diameter at the apex.
Habit Shrub small tree
Distribution Central America from Nicaragua through Panama, south through Colombia to Brazil
Specimen CANAL ZONE:: without locality, Christophersan I32; hills near Gatu'n Station, Panama R. R., Hayes 95, 98, 229, 483; Gatuin Lake, at turning point from canal, Bangban 425; Chagres, Fendler 54; Barro Colorado Island, Aviles I13, 950, Baitey Ed Bailey 92, 307, Woodwortb & Vestal 692.
Note Outstanding because of the elliptic leaf-blades (reddish brown on drying) shining above and with minute reticulation exceedingly prominent above and beneath.
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