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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Jahrb. Bot. Gart. Berlin 5:461. 1889.
Description Tree 13-15 m. high; young branchlets densely golden-"glittering"-tomentose, becoming gray, glabrous, terete. Leaves sparse; petioles canaliculate, to 6 mm. long; blades early sericeous-lanuginose, golden-"glitteringj" throughout, later glabrous throughout, chartaceous, varnished-shining above, opaque or subopaque beneath, ovate or elliptic, 12.5 cm. long and 5.5 cm. broad, the base acute, the apex acuminate, the margin minutely recurved, penninerved, the nerves immersed above, beneath prominently elevated, diverging from the costa at an angle of 25-45 ?, the reticulation very obscure and loose. Inflorescence subcorymbose, paniculate, shorter than the leaves, rather many-flowered, tomentose, the pedicels 2-5 mm. long, the bracteoles deciduous. Flowers to 5 mm. in diameter, the perianth yellow-tomentose, the lobes broadly elliptic-ovate, somewhat obtusely acute; anthers depressed, broader than long, the apex broadly truncate; the fila- ments of ser. I & II pilose; those of ser. III with large, conspicuous, sessile glands; staminodia small, thick, stipe-like; ovary glabrous, globose, 3-4 times shorter than the style; stigma obtuse. Fruit subglobose, 6 mm. long, mucronulate, with the rudiment of the style, the subtending cupule pateriform, smooth at the base, the margin entire, the pedicel one-third to one-quarter the entire length.
Habit Tree
Distribution Reported from western Mexico at an unknown locality from the Haenke col- lection; and in Panama near Barbacans Station, S. Hayes I33.
Note Except for the original description, this species is unknown, or at least uncom- mented upon, by present-day workers in the family. It seems to be very close to Nectandra latifolia, differing in leaf-blades that are prominently reticulated above and in the young stage scarcely sericeous beneath, the absence of axillary glands, branchlets that are sparkling "golden-tomentose," and buds that are golden- lanuginose. Authentic material is essential for further study.
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