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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Jahrb. Bot. Gart. Berlin 5:351. 1889.
Description Tree or shrub 4.5-12 m. high; branchlets dark brown, pubescent becoming glabrous, cinereous, terete. Leaves alternate; petioles pubescent becoming glabres- cent, canaliculate, to 1 cm. long; blades scattered, pubescent near the base above, glabrescent beneath except for pubescent axillary glands, subcoriaceous, elliptic or broadly elliptic, to 11 cm. long and up to 7 cm. broad, the base roundish, obtuse or cuneate, the apex shortly obtusely acuminate or obtusely acute, penninerved, the costa impressed above and prominently elevated and yellowish beneath, the lateral nerves 4-6 pairs, also impressed above, and prominently elevated and yellow- ish beneath, diverging at an angle of about 550, somewhat reticulate above. In- florescence axillary or subterminal, paniculate, with narrowly racemose branchlets, to 6-9 (-15) cm. long, glabrescent for the most part, the peduncle very short, occasionally to 3 cm. long. Staminate flowers to 3 mm. long, sessile or with short pedicels to 1 mm. long; perianth yellow, grayish- or ferruginous-pubescent, the lobes ovate, acutish, rather thick, about 2.15-2.5 mm. long; the stamens of ser. 1 & II to 1.5 mm. long, the anthers ovate, obtuse to roundish, longer than the filaments; those of ser. III slightly larger, the anthers more narrowly ovate, the filaments completely covered on the dorsal side by the fused sessile glands borne at their bases; staminodia slender, transparent, less than 0.5 mm. long, oblanceolate; gynaecium glabrous, aborted, to 1.9 mm. long, subcylindrical, the stigma sub- peltate, depressed above. Pistillate flowers unknown. Fruit green, in the dried state blackish or greenish, ellipsoid, apiculate, rugulose, 11 X 8 mm., the sub- tending cupule campanulate, 6-lobed, with the lobes more or less horizontally spreading, somewhat papyraceous, not more than 1.5 mm. long, the entire cupule pubescent or glabrescent, green or red according to the collector, 6-7 mm. long, 8 mm. in diameter, and 2-3 mm. deep, usually sessile.
Habit Tree shrub
Distribution escribed originally from Panama, the locality unknown, and from San Martin, Peru. Now known to occur as far south as Bolivia
Elevation less -than 1000 meters.
Specimen PANAMA: San Jose Island, Perlas Archipelago, Gulf of Panama, Johnston III, I33, 250, 415, 497, 556, 563, 604, 655.
Note Outstanding among Panamanian species because of the very prominently ele- wvated venation beneath, and the almost spike-like few-flowered panicles.
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