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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
Species OCOTEA IRA Mez & Pittier ex Mez
PlaceOfPublication Bull. Herb. Boiss. II. 3:232. 1903.
Description Tree? 6-20 m. high; branchlets angled, darkish, early closely appressed, brown- ish-, almost sericeous-pubescent, becoming glabrous. Leaves alternate; petioles strongly or slightly winged, up to 1 cm. long, or the decurrent recurved blade forming an apparent petiole of nearly 4 cm.; blades glabrous to glabrescent, with frequently inconspicuous axillary glands, opaque, subcoriaceous to rigid, obovate, to 25 cm. long and 9.5 cm. broad, the base cuneate and recurved, the apex abruptly and obtusely acuminate, penninerved, the costa broad and conspicuous although slightly impressed above, prominently elevated beneath, the nerves slender, 9-12 pairs, very slightly elevated above, more so beneath, diverging at an angle of about 3 5-450, curving toward the marginal region, the reticulation inconspicuous above and frequently pubescent beneath. Inflorescence axillary and subterminal, paniculate, to 15 cm. long, brownish-pubescent, becoming glabrous, many-flowered, the stout peduncle to 7 cm. long. Flowers small, 2.15 mm. long, equaling the slender pedicel in length, the perianth pubescent without, the lobes thick, papillose, ovate, acute, to 1.4 mm. long; stamens of ser. I & II 0.8-1.25 mm. long, the anthers ovate, obtuse, scarcely longer than the slender filaments; those of ser. III 1-1.7 mm. long, the anthers subrectangular, truncate, not quite equaling the pubescent filaments, glands subglobose, subsessile, sometimes to one-half the length of the filaments; gynaecium glabrous, up to 1.4-2.4 mm. long, the ovary subellipsoid, slightly longer than the slender style, the stigma subtriangular, subdiscoid. Fruit unknown.
Distribution Native to Costa Rica and adjacent Panama
Note in the lowlands, at not more than 200 meters altitude. Known as Aguacaton.
Elevation not more than 200 meters
Common Aguacaton
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: region of Almirante, Cricamola Valley, Cooper 532; Water Valley,, von Wedel 720; vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, von Wedel 1382. CHIRIQUL: in lowlands, Cooper d Slater 2i8 (Y i0571); Progreso, Coo-per l! Slater 309 (Y Io66o).
Note Resembles Ocotea To'nduzii and its allies in the shape of the leaf-blades and the decurrent leaf-bases, but the leaf-blades are much larger on the whole than those of 0. Tonduzii.
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