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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Jour. Arnold Arb. 26:369. 1945.
Description Tall tree; branchlets foliose, fulvous-sericeous, quickly glabrescent, the bark actually reddish brown, but obscured by a thin grayish epidermis that is deciduous. Leaves alternate; petioles slender, canaliculate, to 8 mm. long; blades glabrous throughout, membranaceous, varnished-shining above in dried state, greenish or brown, paler beneath, lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, 5-6 (-7) cm. long and 13-17 (-22) mm. broad, the base cuneate, the apex obtuse or obtusely acuminate, penninerved, the costa inconspicuous above, slightly elevated beneath, the lateral nerves usually 4 pairs, obscure above, slightly elevated beneath, diverging from the costa at an angle of 35-45?, the reticulation inconspicuous above, scarcely conspicuous beneath. Inflorescence axillary, paniculate, small, 2 (-4) cm. long, slender, inconspicuous, glabrous, very few-flowered (to 5), the peduncle slender, glabrous, to 2 (-2.5) mm. long. Flowers to 4 mm. long, the pedicels slender, often up to 3 mm. long, the perianth campanulate, cream-colored, the subequal lobes membranaceous, papillose, elliptic, 2.8 mm. long; stamens of ser. I & II to 1 mm. long, the anthers oblong-globose, three times the- length of the slender fila- ments; those of ser. III 1.25 mm. long, the anthers oblong, the glands short-stiped, sometimes equaling the anthers and filaments; staminodia strap-shaped or triangu- lar, inconspicuous, 6 mm. long; the gynaecium glabrous, 1.5 mm. long, the ovary ovoid or subglobose, three times longer than the stipe and twice the length of the style, the stigma triangular-discoid, conspicuous. Fruit unknown, black according to the collector, the cupule hypocrateriform, disk-like, red according to the collec- tor, glabrous, 1 cm. in diameter, the pedicel subverruculose, to 1 cm. long and 4 mm. in diameter throughout, the margin entire, slightly undulate.
Habit tree
Distribution Known only from the type locality in Chiriqui,
Elevation 1830 meters
Specimen CHIRIQUf: Boquete, Davidson 564.
Note In general aspect resembling Nectandra salkcifolia from Mexico and northern Central America, but differing in the shape-of the anthers, and in the smaller leaves.
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