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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Jour. Arnold Arb. 26:390. 1945.
Description Tree 6-12 m. high; branchlets brown, minutely sparsely pubescent, becoming gray, glabrous, striate. Leaves alternate, early sparsely pubescent becoming gla- brescent and finally glabrous; petioles slender, canaliculate, sparsely pubescent above, to 1 cm. long; blades glabrous throughout except at the base of the costa beneath, membranaceous, in the dried state brown or greenish brown, lanceolate- elliptic, to 15 cm. long and 5 cm. broad, the base very attenuately cuneate, the apex longly caudate-acuminate, penninerved, the costa slightly elevated above, conspicuously so beneath, the nerves 4 or 5 (-8) pairs, more or less obscure throughout, diverging from the costa at an angle of 550, the glands inconspicuous, the reticulation slightly prominulous throughout. Inflorescence axillary, loosely paniculate, to 15 cm. long, sparsely pubescent, the peduncle brown, sparsely pubescent, to 5 cm. long. Flowers to 3 mm. long, the slender pubescent pedicels to 3 mm. long, the perianth campanulate, white or pale greenish, the lobes reflexed, papillose-pubescent, oblong, 2.5 mm. long; stamens of ser. I & II 0.6 mm. long,. the anthers subreniform, two-thirds the length of the slender filaments which are. pubescent at the base; those of ser. III 1 mm. long, the anthers oblong, equaling, the filaments, the glands conspicuous, stipitate; staminodia usually ovate, stipitate,, pubescent at the base, 0.6 mm. long; gynaecium glabrous, 1.25 mm. long, the ovary ovoid-globose, the style very short, the stigma capitate, conspicuous. Fruit abnormal (?), subglobose, apiculate, conspicuously gray-sericeous, minutely papil-. lose, 7 mm. in diameter, subtending cupule shallow, glabrous, minutely verruculose, subcampanulate, 3 mm. long and 5 mm. in diameter, the pedicel to 5 mm. long, expanded to 3 mm. in diameter at the apex.
Habit Tree
Note Described originally from the Isthmus of Panama, and found subsequently only in Panama along the coast at fairly low altitudes. Known as "Rock Sweet- wood," and said to have a faint pleasant odor when fresh.
Distribution Panama
Common Rock Sweet- wood
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Fish Creek Hill, vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon, von Wedel 243I; Isla Colon, von Wedel 2866, 2969; Flat Rock, region of Almirante, Cooper 55I (Y I2I84).
Note Seemingly a cognate of Nectandra salicifolia, which does not occur in Panama,, with similar floral structure except for pubescence of filament-bases and stipes of staminodia. More extensive collections may show that this is a geographical variation of the species proper.
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