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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/12/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Jour. Arnold Arb. 26:433. 1945.
Description Small, often bushy aromatic trees to 15 m. high; branchlets reddish, striate, gray-sericeous becoming at length glabrous. Leaves alternate; petioles reddish, pubescent becoming glabrous,,slender, canaliculate, up to 1.5 cm. long; blades glabrous above and beneath except for the nerves and axillary glands, shining and olive-green above, pale beneath, in the young stages membranaceous becoming pergamentaceous, lanceolate-elliptic, 8-14 cm. long and 2.5-4.5 cm. broad, the extreme base narrowly cuneate or attenuately cuneate throughout, the apex ob- tusely and attenuately acuminate or subcaudate-acuminate, subtriplinerved, the nervation pale reddish, the lateral nerves, of which there are 4 or 5 pairs, slender, the lowermost pair diverging from the costa at an angle of 25-350, and more conspicuous than the upper pairs which diverge at an angle of 450; axillary glands of the lowermost pair of nerves less obscure than those of upper pairs. Inflores- cences axillary and subterminal, numerous, racemose or rarely broad panicles up to 12 cm. long, early yellow-white becoming reddish, the peduncle to 2 (-3) cm. long, striate, pubescent becoming glabrescent. Flowers to 4 mm. long, the pedi- cels to 3 mm. long; perianth subcampanulate, pale yellow, lobes subequal, ?+2.4-3 mm. long, ovate, elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, membranaceous, pubescent; stamens of ser. I & II ? 1.7 mm. long, the ovate anthers equaling the filaments, the stamens of ser. III ? 2 mm. long, the subovate anthers emarginate and bi- glandular, the glands subsessile, conspicuous, reniform; staminodia ovate, sub- cordate, stipitate, to 1.15 mm. long; gynaecium glabrous, ? 2.5 mm. or more long, the ovary ovoid or subglobose, almost equaling the slender style, the stigma subcapitate, somewhat conspicuous. Fruit green, glabrous, ellipsoid, minutely apiculate, 1 cm. X 7 mm., the subtending cupule 5 mm. long, 7 mm. in diameter and 4 mm. deep, crowned by the persistent, slightly thickened, reddish perianth- lobes, supported by the thickened, reddish pedicel up to 6 mm. long.
Note Native to Panama at low altitudes, although collected on the mainland only on the hospital grounds at Ancon, Canal Zone, and to San Jose Island of the Perlas Archipelago, where it occurs abundantly according to the collector.
Distribution Native to Panama
Specimen CANAL ZONE: hospital grounds at Ancon, Pittier 2750. PANAMA: San Jose Island, Perlas Archipelago, Gulf of Panama, Jobnston 505, 512, 553, 583, 666, 667, 697, 713, 773; WITHOUT LOCALITY: Hayes 1,017, ioi8.
Note Similar to Phoebe mexicana found throughout Mexico and Central America, and to P. Ehrenbergiz of Mexico, but easily separated from the former by the shorter panicles bearing flowers that are never whitish gray-pubescent, and by leaf-blades that are thinner in texture and on the whole more narrow. From the latter it may be separated by the many-flowered inflorescences, usually not more than 8 cm. long, with flowers not more than 4 mm. long and never pruinose.
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