Abeid - 254 - Tanzania
Abeid - 503 - Tanzania
Angus - 241 - Zambia
Balaka - 786 - Malawi
Brenan - 7903 - Zambia
Broadway - 2870 -
Broadway - s.n. - Caribbean
Carvalho - 728 - Mozambique
Carvalho - 822 - Mozambique
Chapman - 7732 - Malawi
Chase - 5116 - Zimbabwe
Chase - 7855 - Zimbabwe
Chikuni - 279 - Malawi
Codd - 8343 - South Africa
Correia - 562 - Mozambique
Diniz - 121 - Mozambique
Festo - 2236 - Tanzania
Frontier-Tanzania Coastal Forest Research Programme - 1995 - Tanzania
Frontier-Tanzania Coastal Forest Research Programme - 2697 - Tanzania
Gereau - 4936 - Tanzania
Groenendijk - 312 - Mozambique
Harder - 1910 - Zambia
Harder - 2746 - Zambia
Harris - 255 - Tanzania
Harris - BJH3595 - Tanzania
Hildebrandt - 1222 - Tanzania
Kibure - 1020 - Tanzania
Koning - 7307 - Mozambique
Koning - 8547 - Mozambique
Koning - 9574 - Mozambique
Lap - 160 - Kenya
Lap - 164 - Kenya
Leeuwenberg - 10792 - Kenya
Malaisse - 12382 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Malaisse - 7955 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Malaisse - 9949 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Marques - 11619 - Mozambique
Massawe - 53 - Tanzania
Mogg - 30027 - Mozambique
Mogg - 30280 - Mozambique
Muller - 2404 - Zimbabwe
Muller - 2564 - Zimbabwe
Mwangoka - 2723 - Tanzania
Mwangoka - 2755 - Tanzania
Pawek - 11988 - Malawi
Pereira - 763 - Mozambique
Phillipson - 3235 - South Africa
Pope - 1759 - Zimbabwe
Quarré - 529 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Reekmans - 10385 - Burundi
Reitsma - 106 - Kenya
Reitsma - 160 - Kenya
Richards - 26243 - Zambia
Robertson (Chambers) - 3869 - Kenya
Robertson (Chambers) - 4125 - Kenya
Rodin - 4698 - South Africa
Rodrigues - 352 - Mozambique
Rulangaranga - 200 - Tanzania
Salubeni - 5323 - Malawi
Sangai - EA15734 - Kenya
Schlieben - 5271 - Tanzania
Schmidt - 1199 - Tanzania
Schmidt - 1232 - Tanzania
SHCP - 120 - Tanzania
SHCP - 181 - Tanzania
Stephen - 847 - South Africa
Stolz - 301 - Tanzania
Strey - 6810a - South Africa
Verdcourt - 1188 - Kenya
White - 3053F - Zambia