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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 4/8/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 4/8/2013)
Species Plumeria pudica Jacq.
PlaceOfPublication Select. Stirp. Amer. Hist. 1: 37. 1763.-FIG. 5.
Description Shrubs, to 3.5 m, the leaf scars pronounced. Leaves elongate-rhomboid, some- times almost lobed when immature, acute, attenuate basally, to 2X2 cm long and 6 cm wide, glabrous above, pubescent on the veins beneath, the principal veins weakly anastomising and forming a marginal vein; subsessile, sparsely glandular in the axils. Inflorescences cymose, the secondary peduncles usually developed, many-flowered, terminal, the primary peduncle to 7 cm long. Flowers with the pedicels 8-12 mm long; bracteoles present, deltoid, ca. 1.5-2 mm long; calyx- lobes deltoid, fleshy, ca. 1.5-2 mm long, glandular (?) tipped; corolla slightly subinfundibuliform, white, sometimes with a yellow center, the tube ca. 20-25 mm long, pubescent within, the lobes broadly ovate, ca. 30 mm long; anthers ca. 2 mm long; stigma somewhat fleshy below and slenderly bicapitate above. Follicles ca. 5-10 cm long; seeds unknown.
Habit Shrubs
Distribution Panama, Martinique, Colombia, and Venezuela.
Specimen PANAMA: San Jose Island, Erlanson 55 (US). Cerro Campana, Fairchild & Allen 1163 [cultivated at Fairchild Gardens, voucher Gillis 8267 (Herbarium Fairchild Tropical Gardens)].
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