Abdallah - 193 - Tanzania
Abeid - 1606 - Tanzania
Abeid - 723 - Tanzania
Angus - 588 - Zambia
Ariwaodo - JOA.126 - Nigeria
Auquier - 2515 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bates - 1207 - Cameroon
Biegel - 1095 - Zimbabwe
Brass - 17617 -
Brass - 17773 - Malawi
Champluvier - 5199 - Republic of the Congo
Chapman - 8000 - Malawi
Chase - 7497 - Zimbabwe
Collector Illegible - 1038 -
Congdon - s.n. - Tanzania
Daramola - 522 - Nigeria
de Kruif - 1062 - Cameroon
de Kruif - 1072 - Cameroon
de Kruif - 1357 - Malawi
de Kruif - 806 - Cameroon
de Kruif - 857 - Cameroon
de Wilde - 1531 - Cameroon
de Wilde - 274 - São Tomé and Príncipe
de Wilde - 7754 - Cameroon
de Witte - 9599 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Donis - 2855 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ekema - 132 - Cameroon
Ellemann - 498 - Tanzania
Essou - 2064 - Benin
Evrard - 5845 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Fay - 6414 - Central African Republic
Fay - 8777 - Central African Republic
Frame - 171 - Tanzania
Gereau - 2666 - Tanzania
Gereau - 3922 - Tanzania
Gereau - 6112 - Tanzania
Gereau - 6494 - Tanzania
Gilbert - 10000 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Greenhow - 33962 - Zimbabwe
Greenway - 14632 - Tanzania
Harder - 1259 - Tanzania
Harder - 1967 - Zambia
Hobson - 219 - South Africa
Kayombo - 4086 - Tanzania
Kayombo - 5156 - Tanzania
Kemp - 1074 - Swaziland
la Croix - 4705 - Malawi
Le Testu - 2003 - Gabon
Le Testu - 8754 - Gabon
Leeuwenberg - 10868 - Tanzania
Leeuwenberg - 10873 - Tanzania
Leeuwenberg - 10966 - South Africa
Leeuwenberg - 11020 - South Africa
Leeuwenberg - 11237 - Nigeria
Leeuwenberg - 11238 - Nigeria
Leeuwenberg - 11325 - Nigeria
Leeuwenberg - 12391 - South Africa
Leeuwenberg - 12421 - Gabon
Leeuwenberg - 12530 - Gabon
Leeuwenberg - 14111 - Malawi
Leeuwenberg - 5295 - Cameroon
Leeuwenberg - 8706 - Cameroon
Leeuwenberg - 8899 - Cameroon
Leeuwenberg - 9210 - Cameroon
Leeuwenberg - 9225 - Cameroon
Leeuwenberg - 9389 - Cameroon
Leeuwenberg - 9630 - Cameroon
Leeuwenberg - 9878 - Cameroon
Leeuwenberg - 9939 - Cameroon
Lorence - 7649 - Hawaiian Isl
Lovett - 4886 - Tanzania
Luke - 13459 - Equatorial Guinea
Malaisse - 13196 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Massawe - 118 - Tanzania
McGregor - 66/47 - Zimbabwe
McMillen - 87 - Tanzania
Minkébé Series - W 636 - Gabon
Mlangwa - 1445 - Tanzania
Mnendendo - 83 - Tanzania
Moll - 561 - South Africa
Mullin - 26/51 - Zimbabwe
Mwangoka - 1583 - Tanzania
Mwangoka - 204 - Tanzania
Mwangoka - 2636 - Tanzania
Mwangoka - 329 - Tanzania
Mwangoka - 3381 - Tanzania
Mwangoka - 566 - Tanzania
Mwangoka - 72 - Tanzania
Mwangulango - 1009 - Tanzania
Mwangulango - 1079 - Tanzania
Mwangulango - 1295 - Tanzania
Mwangulango - 19 - Tanzania
Nemba - 446 - Cameroon
Patel - 2063 - Malawi
Patel - 2636 - Malawi
Patel - 337 - Malawi
Patel - 3653 - Malawi
Pawek - 13513 - Malawi
Phillips - 3884 - Malawi
Phillips - 4538B - Malawi
Pierlot - 2998 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Quarré - 1979 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Quarré - 733 - Democratic Republic of the Congo
Reitsma - 2165 - Gabon
Richards - 26797 - Tanzania
Richards - 27707 - Tanzania
Rodin - 4114 - South Africa
Salubeni - 2368 - Malawi
Salubeni - 2859 - Malawi
Salubeni - 4942 - Malawi
Seward - 40/51 - Zimbabwe
Smuts - 3128 - South Africa
Sousa - 3829 - Mozambique
Stalmans - 631 - South Africa
Stolz - 1545 - Tanzania
Stolz - 1682 - Tanzania
Strid - 2023 - Zambia
Tanner - 1749 - Tanzania
Tawakali - 103 - Malawi
Townesmith - 1084 - United States
White - 3218 - Zambia
Wieringa - 2658 - Gabon
Wild - 4303 - Zimbabwe
Zenker - 1626 - Cameroon
Zenker - 2500 - Cameroon
Zenker - s.n. - Cameroon