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Specimen coordinates in square brackets [ ] have been approximated based on political units.
Country UpperLowerElevationLatitudeLongitudeDateQual.CollectorsColl NoInstitutions
Argentina [38°43'00"S] [063°20'00"W]   I. von Rentzell14676SI
Argentina [38°43'00"S] [063°20'00"W]   I. von Rentzell14676UC
Chile 36°50'00"S 072°50'00"W 6 Sep 1991 Leslie R. Landrum7447MO
Chile 700 m [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] Apr 1933 Carlos GrandjotsnMO
Chile 150 m [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] Mar 1924 Erich Werdermann300MO
Chile [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] 5 Feb 1931 Hugo Gunckel1992MO
Chile [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] 20 Jan 1906 Charles S. SargentsnMO
Chile 75 m [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] 22 Mar 1939 John L. Morrison17591MO
Chile 36°55'00"S 072°40'00"W 5 Apr 1982 Leslie R. Landrum4444MO
Chile 220 m [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W]   H. Roivainen305MO
Chile [36°43'30"S] [073°35'00"W] 1778 - 1788 Hipólito Ruiz L. & José A. Pavón9/19MO
ChileMaule 35°51'00"S 071°06'00"W   Mary T. Kalin Arroyo & et al.994825CONC
ChileMaule 35°51'00"S 071°06'00"W   Mary T. Kalin Arroyo & et al.994825SGO
ChileO'HigginsCardenal Caro 48 m 34°13'17"S 071°58'45"W 14 February 2013 W. D. Stevens, Christopher Davidson, Sharon R. Christoph & O. M. Montiel J.34066SGO
ChileO'HigginsCardenal Caro 48 m 34°13'17"S 071°58'45"W 14 February 2013 W. D. Stevens, Christopher Davidson, Sharon R. Christoph & O. M. Montiel J.34066MO
ChileSantiago 20 m 33°27'00"S 071°41'00"W 11 August 1989 Alwyn H. Gentry68063MO
ChileValparaiso 1827 - 1830 Carlo L.G. Berteros.n.MO
ChileValparaiso 3 May 1981 Otto Zöllner10977MO
ChileValparaisoLos Andes 2000 - 2075 m 32°52'00"S 070°12'00"W 19 February 1991 Oscar F. Clarke122-02MO
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