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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/12/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 3/12/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1145. 1759.
Description Herb, sometimes suffrutex, the stem slender, usually erect, rarely procumbent, up to 2.5 m high, branched often from the base, rather sparsely hirsute with long, patent, mostly simple or sometimes few-armed, yellowish hairs, and often also with shorter stellate hairs. Leaves with the petiole 1.4-5 cm long, more or less densely hirsute, the stipules subulate, ca 3-4 mm long, hirsute, caducous; blade ovate, sometimes narrowly so, cordate at the base, gradually long-acuminate at the apex, serrate at the margin, up to 10 cm long and 5 cm broad, thin, nearly concolorous, 5- to 9(sub-li)-palminerved, more or less strigose-pubescent on both sides, the indumentum denser on the prominulous primary veins beneath, the hairs simple to few-armed or stellate. Flowers mostly in axillary or subterminal, few- to several- flowered glomerules, those toward the apex of the branches and branchlets often simulating spike-like inflorescences, the individual flowers subsessile to short- pedicellate; calyx campanulate, subplicate-5-angulate, ca 8 mm long, membra- nous, 10-ribbed, yellowish-hispid or subsetose on veins and along margins, moderately accrescent, the lobes broadly triangular, from the base gradually long- acuminate, ca 4.5-5 mm long and 4-4.5 mm broad at the base; petals broadly obovate-cuneate, oblique, sometimes inconspicuously so, usually emarginate at the apex, ca 7(9) mm long and 5(6) mm broad, pale buff, salmon, white or yellow, often reddish at the base, very minutely hyaline-puberulus at the claw; androecium ca 5 mm long, the staminal tube ca 2.5 mm long, sparsely hispidulous, the fila- ments relatively few; styles ca 4 mm long, connate basally. Mericarps 5, trigonous, 2-2.5 mm long, muticous to very shortly and bluntly 2-aristate at the apex, char- taceous, glabrous or somewhat puberulus near the apex, dorsally nearly smooth, laterally faintly striate, dehiscent apically; seeds trigonous, ca 1.5 mm long, gla- brous but minutely puberulus around the hilum.
Habit Herb suffrutex
Distribution West Indies and southern Mexico to northern Argentina and Bolivia, and tropical Africa; moist thickets and woods, brushy slopes, grassy fields and road- sides.
Note According to Standley (Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 27: 254. 1928), "the hairs of the foliage are sufficiently stiff to penetrate the skin."
Specimen CANAL ZONE: Mount Hope Cemetery, Standley 28805 (US); Gamboa, Standley 28316 (US); Obispo, Standley 31657 (US); between Summit and Gamboa, J. M. & M. T. Green- man 5259 (MO); Summit, Standley 26912 (US); vic of Summit, Standley 30127 (US), 30146 (US); Rio Paraiso, above E Paraiso, Standley 29885 (US); along the old Las Cruces Trail, between Fort Clayton and Corozal, Hunter & Allen 745 (MO), Standley 29195 (US); vic of Corozal, Piper 5304 (US); Balboa, Standley 29304 (US), 30884 (US). CHIRIQUI Bajo Mono, elev 4500 ft, M. E. Davidson 523 (F). PANAMA: Las Sabanas, N of Panama City, Bro. Paul 421 (US); along the Corozal Road, nr Panama City, Standley 26815 (US); vie of Juan Franco Race Track, nr Panama City, Standley 27696 (US); between Las Sabanas and Matias Hernandez, Standley 31926 (US); Rio Tapia, Standley 28077 (US); Taboga Island, Standley 27073 (US), 27950 (US); San Jose Island, Johnston 874 (GH, MO).
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