(Last Modified On 3/8/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/8/2013)
Sp. P1. 693. 1753.-Fig. 3.
Gossypium hirsutum sensu Mauer var. panamicum Mauer, Trudy po Prikl. Bot. Gen. Selek., Prilozh. 47: 460, 553. 1930 (Bull. Appl. Bot. Gen. P1.-BG. mexicanum sensu Standley, Contr. Arnold Arb. 5: 101. 1933, non Todaro (1863).
Suffrutex, annual, or shrub, perennial, 1-4 m tall, the branches usually glabres- cent to sometimes densely grayish-pubescent. Leaves long-petiolate, the stipules early or tardily caducous, the blade cordate at the, base, usually deeply 3-lobed and often with 1 or 2 shorter, basal lobes, the lobes deltoid-ovate, with the sinuses often plicate and long-acuminate at the apex, entire-margined, usually 5(-7)-pal- minerved, mostly glabrescent to sometimes densely grayish-pubescent when young. Flowers large, the epicalyx of 3 bractlets, these usually shorter than the corolla, almost as long as broad, cordate at the base, laciniate with few, long, lance-subulate teeth at the apex, persistent; calyx truncate or shallowly 5-denticulate; corolla 3.5-5.5 cm long, pale yellow, turning pink or red; staminal tube about half as long as the corolla, filamentiferous nearly throughout, the filaments all of about the same length. Capsule ovoid, caudate-acuminate, normally 3-locular, usually 3-6 cm long, the surface coarsely pitted, with black, oil glands in the pits; seeds free, with a copious and even coat of lint, with or without a coat of fuzz, sometimes fuzzy at one or both ends.
CANAL ZONE: vic of Fort Sherman, sandy thicket, Standley 31219 (US); Barro Colorado Island, nr steps at beginning of Lutz Trail, Woodworth & Vestal s.n. (F); Frijoles, Cooke & Martin 43 (US), 62 (US); Chagres arm of Gatun Lake, at junction of Rio Aguardiente and Rio Quebrada, plantation, Maxon 6563 (US), 6564 (US); around Culebra, alt 50-150, Pittier 4825 (US); in Government forest along Las Cruces Trail, alt 75 m, Hunter & Allen 673 (MO); Pedro Miguel, wild, Piper 5471 (US); Balboa, old field, Standley 25643 (US). CHIRIQUI: Isla Parida, Pittier 2816 (US). COCLE: Aguadulce, along the outskirts of the tidal belt, Pittier 4971 (US). HERRERA: vie of Chitre, alt ca 20 m, Allen 1091 (MO, US); vie of Ocui, alt 100 m, Allen 4081 (MO). PANAMA: Bella Vista, nr strand at edge of woods, Maxon & Valentine 6940 (US), coastal thicket, Standley 25331 (US); between Matias HernAndez and Juan Diaz, roadside, Standley 31965 (US); Juan Diaz, roadside, Standley 30537 (US); Isla Taboguilla, Duke 5880 (MO).
Some of these collections were referred previously to G. mexicanum Todaro, which, according to Standley (Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 27: 256. 1928), "is a fre- quent shrub about the zone, in thickets and along roadsides." Gossypium mexi- canurm was relegated to synonymy under G. hirsutum L. (Upland cotton) by Hutchinson (in Hutchinson et al., The evolution of Gossypium, p. 40. 1947). The Panamanian specimens cited above resemble, however, G. barbcadense, the species to which the Sea Island and Egyptian cottons belong, rather than G. hirsu- tum. Many of them were identified by Prokhanov as G. tridens Cook & Hubbard (which is a synonym of G. nicaraguense Ramirez Goyena, cf. Prokhanov, J. Bot. U. R. S. S. 32: 75. 1947), the type of which was collected at Buenaventura, Co- lombia. It is doubtful that G. tridens is more than a form of G. barbadense with a more reduced epicalyx and capsule.
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