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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
BoliviaUlloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, F. R. Barrie, G. Davidse & S. Knapp2025Cycadaceae a CactaceaeFl. Mesoamer.2(1): in press
BoliviaBeniJørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee & S. G. Beck2014Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de BoliviaCat. Pl. Vasc. Bolivia, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.127(1–2): i–viii, 1–1744
BoliviaBeniJørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee, S. G. Beck & A.F. Fuentes2015 en adelanteCatálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia (actualizaciones en línea)  
BoliviaLa PazJørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee, S. G. Beck & A.F. Fuentes2015 en adelanteCatálogo de las plantas vasculares de Bolivia (actualizaciones en línea)  
BoliviaLa PazJørgensen, P. M., M. H. Nee & S. G. Beck2014Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de BoliviaCat. Pl. Vasc. Bolivia, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.127(1–2): i–viii, 1–1744
BoliviaLa PazKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
BrazilKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
BrazilForzza, R. C.2010(none)Lista de espécies Flora do Brasilhttp://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010
BrazilUlloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, F. R. Barrie, G. Davidse & S. Knapp2025Cycadaceae a CactaceaeFl. Mesoamer.2(1): in press
ColombiaUlloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, F. R. Barrie, G. Davidse & S. Knapp2025Cycadaceae a CactaceaeFl. Mesoamer.2(1): in press
ColombiaAmazonasKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
ColombiaAntioquiaIdárraga-Piedrahita, A., R. del C. Ortiz, R. Callejas Posada & M. Merello2011Listado de las plantas vasculares del departamento de AntioquiaFl. Antioquia: Cat.2: 9–939
ColombiaBoyacáKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
ColombiaCaquetáKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
ColombiaChocóKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
ColombiaSantanderKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
EcuadorRenner, S. S., H. Balslev & L.B. Holm-Nielsen1990Flowering plants of Amazonian Ecuador—A checklistAAU Rep.24: 1–241
EcuadorUlloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, F. R. Barrie, G. Davidse & S. Knapp2025Cycadaceae a CactaceaeFl. Mesoamer.2(1): in press
EcuadorNapoKrukoff, B. A.1976Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. XI. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia33(5): 323–341
EcuadorNapoKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
EcuadorNapoJørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez1999Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of EcuadorMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.75: i–viii, 1–1181
EcuadorNapoRenner, S. S., H. Balslev & L.B. Holm-Nielsen1990Flowering plants of Amazonian Ecuador—A checklistAAU Rep.24: 1–241
EcuadorPastazaKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
EcuadorPastazaJørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez1999Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of EcuadorMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.75: i–viii, 1–1181
EcuadorSucumbíosJørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez1999Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of EcuadorMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.75: i–viii, 1–1181
EcuadorZamora-ChinchipeJørgensen, P. M. & S. León-Yánez1999Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of EcuadorMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.75: i–viii, 1–1181
PanamaD'Arcy, W. G.1987Flora of Panama. Checklist and Index. Part 1: The introduction and checklistMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.17: v–xxx, 1–328
PanamaBarneby, R. C. & B. A. Krukoff1971Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. VIII. A generic survey of the American Triclisieae and AnomospermeaeMem. New York Bot. Gard.22(2): 1–89
PanamaUlloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, F. R. Barrie, G. Davidse & S. Knapp2025Cycadaceae a CactaceaeFl. Mesoamer.2(1): in press
PanamaCanal AreaKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
PanamaCanal AreaKrukoff, B. A. & R. C. Barneby1974Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. XLloydia37(1): 23–29
PanamaCanal AreaCorrea A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. Stapf2004(none)Cat. Pl. Vasc. Panamá1–599
PanamaDariénBarneby, R. C. & B. A. Krukoff1971Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. VIII. A generic survey of the American Triclisieae and AnomospermeaeMem. New York Bot. Gard.22(2): 1–89
PanamaDariénKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
PanamaDariénCorrea A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. Stapf2004(none)Cat. Pl. Vasc. Panamá1–599
PanamaPanamáKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
PanamaPanamáCorrea A., M. D., C. Galdames & M. Stapf2004(none)Cat. Pl. Vasc. Panamá1–599
PeruMacbride, J. F.1938Menispermaceae, Flora of PeruPubl. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser.13(2/3): 680–699
PeruBarneby, R. C. & B. A. Krukoff1971Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. VIII. A generic survey of the American Triclisieae and AnomospermeaeMem. New York Bot. Gard.22(2): 1–89
PeruBrako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi1993Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of PeruMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.45: i–xl, 1–1286
PeruUlloa Ulloa, C., H. M. Hernández, F. R. Barrie, G. Davidse & S. Knapp2025Cycadaceae a CactaceaeFl. Mesoamer.2(1): in press
PeruAmazonasKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
PeruHuánucoBarneby, R. C. & B. A. Krukoff1971Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. VIII. A generic survey of the American Triclisieae and AnomospermeaeMem. New York Bot. Gard.22(2): 1–89
PeruHuánucoKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
PeruHuánucoBrako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi1993Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of PeruMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.45: i–xl, 1–1286
PeruHuánucoPachiteaBarneby, R. C. & B. A. Krukoff1971Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. VIII. A generic survey of the American Triclisieae and AnomospermeaeMem. New York Bot. Gard.22(2): 1–89
PeruJunínMacbride, J. F.1938Menispermaceae, Flora of PeruPubl. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser.13(2/3): 680–699
PeruJunínKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
PeruJunínBrako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi1993Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of PeruMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.45: i–xl, 1–1286
PeruLoretoMacbride, J. F.1938Menispermaceae, Flora of PeruPubl. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser.13(2/3): 680–699
PeruLoretoBarneby, R. C. & B. A. Krukoff1971Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. VIII. A generic survey of the American Triclisieae and AnomospermeaeMem. New York Bot. Gard.22(2): 1–89
PeruLoretoKrukoff, B. A.1976Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. XI. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia33(5): 323–341
PeruLoretoKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
PeruLoretoBrako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi1993Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of PeruMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.45: i–xl, 1–1286
PeruMadre de DiosKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
PeruMadre de DiosBrako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi1993Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of PeruMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.45: i–xl, 1–1286
PeruPascoBrako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi1993Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of PeruMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.45: i–xl, 1–1286
PeruSan MartínMacbride, J. F.1938Menispermaceae, Flora of PeruPubl. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser.13(2/3): 680–699
PeruSan MartínBarneby, R. C. & B. A. Krukoff1971Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. VIII. A generic survey of the American Triclisieae and AnomospermeaeMem. New York Bot. Gard.22(2): 1–89
PeruSan MartínKrukoff, B. A.1982Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae—XVII. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia50(2): 80–111
PeruSan MartínKrukoff, B. A. & R. C. Barneby1974Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. XLloydia37(1): 23–29
PeruSan MartínBrako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi1993Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of PeruMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.45: i–xl, 1–1286
PeruSan MartínMariscal CáceresBarneby, R. C. & B. A. Krukoff1971Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. VIII. A generic survey of the American Triclisieae and AnomospermeaeMem. New York Bot. Gard.22(2): 1–89
PeruSan MartínMariscal CáceresKrukoff, B. A.1976Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. XI. Neotropical Triclisieae and AnomospermeaePhytologia33(5): 323–341
PeruSan MartínTocacheBarneby, R. C. & B. A. Krukoff1971Supplementary notes on American Menispermaceae. VIII. A generic survey of the American Triclisieae and AnomospermeaeMem. New York Bot. Gard.22(2): 1–89
PeruUcayaliBrako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi1993Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of PeruMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.45: i–xl, 1–1286
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