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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
ArgentinaDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
ArgentinaDressler, R. L.2003Orchidaceae. En: Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Vol. III. B.E. Hammel, M.H. Grayum, C. Herrera & N. Zamora (eds.)Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.93: 1–595
BelizeBalick, M. J., M. H. Nee & D.E. Atha2000Checklist of the vascular plants of BelizeMem. New York Bot. Gard.85: i–ix, 1–246
BelizeCayoMcLeish, I., N. R. Pearce, B. R. Adams & J. S. Briggs1995(none)Native Orchids Belizevii–xvii, 1–278
BrazilDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
CaribbeanDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
CaribbeanMcLeish, I., N. R. Pearce, B. R. Adams & J. S. Briggs1995(none)Native Orchids Belizevii–xvii, 1–278
CaribbeanAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
CaribbeanDressler, R. L.2003Orchidaceae. En: Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Vol. III. B.E. Hammel, M.H. Grayum, C. Herrera & N. Zamora (eds.)Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.93: 1–595
CaribbeanWindward IslandsMartiniqueMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
ColombiaMcLeish, I., N. R. Pearce, B. R. Adams & J. S. Briggs1995(none)Native Orchids Belizevii–xvii, 1–278
ColombiaMora de Retana, D. E. & J. T. Atwood1992Orchids of Costa Rica. Part 2Icon. Pl. Trop.15: i–iv, t. 1401–1500, 1305a, 1344a, 1362a
ColombiaDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
ColombiaAtwood, J. T. & D. E. Mora de Retana1999Family #39 Orchidaceae: Tribe Maxillarieae: Subtribes Maxillariinae and Oncidiinae. En: W.C. Burger (ed.), Flora CostaricensisFieldiana, Bot., n.s.40: i–vi, 1–182
Costa RicaAtwood, J. T. & D. E. Mora de Retana1999Family #39 Orchidaceae: Tribe Maxillarieae: Subtribes Maxillariinae and Oncidiinae. En: W.C. Burger (ed.), Flora CostaricensisFieldiana, Bot., n.s.40: i–vi, 1–182
Costa RicaDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
Costa RicaMora de Retana, D. E. & J. T. Atwood1992Orchids of Costa Rica. Part 2Icon. Pl. Trop.15: i–iv, t. 1401–1500, 1305a, 1344a, 1362a
Costa RicaDressler, R. L.2003Orchidaceae. En: Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Vol. III. B.E. Hammel, M.H. Grayum, C. Herrera & N. Zamora (eds.)Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.93: 1–595
El SalvadorDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
GuatemalaAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
GuatemalaDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
GuatemalaChiquimulaAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
GuatemalaJalapaAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
GuatemalaZacapaAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
HondurasMolina R., A.1975Enumeración de las plantas de HondurasCeiba19(1): 1–118
HondurasDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
MexicoAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
MexicoBreedlove, D.E.1986Flora de ChiapasListados Floríst. México4: i–v, 1–246
MexicoAtwood, J. T. & D. E. Mora de Retana1999Family #39 Orchidaceae: Tribe Maxillarieae: Subtribes Maxillariinae and Oncidiinae. En: W.C. Burger (ed.), Flora CostaricensisFieldiana, Bot., n.s.40: i–vi, 1–182
MexicoSousa Sánchez, M. & E. F. Cabrera Cano1983Flora de Quintana RooListados Floríst. México2: 1–100
MexicoMcLeish, I., N. R. Pearce, B. R. Adams & J. S. Briggs1995(none)Native Orchids Belizevii–xvii, 1–278
MexicoDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
MexicoMora de Retana, D. E. & J. T. Atwood1992Orchids of Costa Rica. Part 2Icon. Pl. Trop.15: i–iv, t. 1401–1500, 1305a, 1344a, 1362a
MexicoDressler, R. L.2003Orchidaceae. En: Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Vol. III. B.E. Hammel, M.H. Grayum, C. Herrera & N. Zamora (eds.)Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.93: 1–595
MexicoCampecheMartínez Salas, E. M., M. Sousa Sánchez & C. H. Ramos Álvarez2001Región de Calakmul, CampecheListados Floríst. México22: 1–55
MexicoChiapasBreedlove, D.E.1986Flora de ChiapasListados Floríst. México4: i–v, 1–246
MexicoChiapasReyes-García, A. & M. Sousa Sánchez1997Depresión central de Chiapas. La selva baja caducifoliaListados Floríst. México17: 1–41
MexicoChiapasMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoChihuahuaMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoGuerreroMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoJaliscoMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoJaliscoChiquilistlánMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoJaliscoCoculaMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoJaliscoJilotlán de los DoloresMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoJaliscoPuerto VallartaMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoJaliscoTuxpanMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoMéxicoMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoMichoacánMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoMichoacánCoalcománMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoMorelosMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoNayaritMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoOaxacaMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoQuerétaroMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoQuintana RooSousa Sánchez, M. & E. F. Cabrera Cano1983Flora de Quintana RooListados Floríst. México2: 1–100
MexicoSinaloaMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoSonoraMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoVeracruzMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
MexicoYucatánMcVaugh, R.1985OrchidaceaeFl. Novo-Galiciana16: 1–363
NicaraguaDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
PanamaAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
PanamaDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
ParaguayAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
ParaguayMcLeish, I., N. R. Pearce, B. R. Adams & J. S. Briggs1995(none)Native Orchids Belizevii–xvii, 1–278
VenezuelaDodson, C.H.1992Checklist of the Orchids of the Western Hemisphere draft:
VenezuelaSteyermark, J. A.1995Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana Project  
VenezuelaAmazonasSteyermark, J. A.1995Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana Project  
VenezuelaBolívarSteyermark, J. A.1995Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana Project  
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