Aerangis cryptodon (Rchb. f.) Schltr. Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Group: Monocot Rank: species Kind: Name with Basionym Herbarium Placement: Lehmann, lower, D, 50

Authors: Published In: Die Orchideen ihre Beschreibung, Kultur und Züchtung Handbuch für Orchideenliebhaber, Kultivateure und Botaniker 598. 1914. (Orchideen) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library
Voucher Specimens
Angraecum cryptodon Rchb. f. 
Higher Taxa:     Taxonomy Browser
Concept:    details Conservation Status:
  • CITES Appendix II - Trade controlled to avoid use incompatible with species survival - Global
    • Reference Reference article UNEP-WCMC. 2003. Checkl. CITES Sp. 1–339. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
    • Conservation System Reference article UNEP-WCMC. 2003. Checkl. CITES Sp. 1–339. UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge. View in Biodiversity Heritage Library
  • L2 - Level 2 - Global
Other names with  Angraecum cryptodon Rchb. f.  as basionym:
Angorchis cryptodon (Rchb. f.) Kuntze
Projects: Epiphytic Orchids , IPCN , Madagascar

Keywords: MAD

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