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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/13/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/13/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. 10:293. 1912.
Synonym Pleurothallis sororoa Schltr. loc. cit. 294. Pleurothallis diuturna Schltr. in Fedde Rep. Sp. Nov. Beih. 17:19. 1922; Ames, Sched. Orch. 7: t. 19. 1924.
Description Caespitose or repent, epiphytic herbs up to about 5 dm. tall. Secondary stems up to 5.5 cm. long, usually angled and sulcate. Leaves 8-17 cm. long and 1.2-4 cm. broad, oblong-ligulate, obtuse, coriaceous, somewhat attenuated to the base. Inflorescence up to 23 cm. long, peduncle and rachis terete, the rachis somewhat fractiflex and distichous, much exceeding the leaves. Sepals free nearly to their bases, fleshy, keeled along the mid-nerve dorsally. Dorsal sepal 6-18 mm. long and 4-7 mm. broad, broadly lanceolate, acute, cucullate. Lateral sepals 13-19 mm. long and 3-5.5 mm. broad, lanceolate, acute, cucullate. Petals 5-10 mm. long and 1.2-2.5 mm. broad, linear-elliptic to elliptic-oblanceolate, acute, slightly arcuate, obscurely auriculate at the base, adnate to the base of the column. Lip 6-10 mm. long and 2-3.2 mm. broad, unguiculate, ligulate, lobulate toward the base; the claw short, thin; lamina fleshy, the surface slightly muricate, arcuate, with two small, erect, lateral lobes toward the base. Ovary muricate.
Distribution Mexico to Panama, possibly Peru.
Specimen COCLE: vicinity of El Valle de Anton, alt. 800 m., Allen 2294, Hunter & Allen 36i. VERAGUAS: near Santiago, alt. 150-220 m., Powell 172.
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