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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/22/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/22/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Bot. Reg. n. s. 1: Misc. 73. 1838.
Synonym Trigonidium Seemanni Rchb. f. in Seem. Bot. Voy. Herald, p. 214. 1854.
Description Erect epiphytic herbs with approximate, ovoid to elliptic-ovoid, ridged and sulcate, diphyllous pseudobulbs 3.5-7 cm. long and 1.5-4 cm. wide, the bases enveloped in 3-5 brown, imbricating bracts which become fibrous with age. Leaves subcoriaceous, linear-lanceolate, acute, 20-60 cm. long and .8-3 cm. wide, contracted below into slender, conduplicate petioles. Inflorescences 1 to several slender, erect, 1-flowered scapes, 20-40 cm. long, produced from the bases of the pseudobulbs, enveloped throughout in tubular, papery, imbricating bracts. Flowers relatively large. Sepals free, the bases connivent, forming a tube, usually greenish yellow to pinkish tan, with brown or purple stripes; the dorsal sepal elliptic- oblanceolate, acute, spreading, 2.5-4.5 cm. long and 1-2 cm. wide, the laterals obliquely oblong to elliptic-lanceolate, acute, the apices strongly recurved, 27-42 mm. long and 8-14 mm. wide. Petals lanceolate to oblanceolate, acute, greenish yellow to pinkish tan, striped brown or purple, 12-22 mm. long and 4-6 mm. wide, with a brown to purple gland-like thickening near the apex. Lip 3-lobed, about ? the length of the petals, yellowish tan striped brown or red, 5-6 mm. long and 3-4 mm. wide when spread out, contracted at the base and articulated with the base of the column, the lateral lobes erect and paralleling the column, the mid-lobe ovate, acute, pale yellow with a darker center, rather fleshy, 1/3 to 2/5 the total length of the lip, the apex recurved and verrucose on both the upper and lower surfaces, the disk with a fleshy ligular callus about equaling the lateral lobes in length. Column semiterete, purple, 4-5 mm. long, the base footless.
Distribution Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia.
Specimen CANAL ZONE: vicinity Frijoles, sea level, Powell 3023; drowned forest of the upper Rio Pequeni, Madden Lake region, 70 m., Allen I728i; forest along banks above Rio Indio Hydrographic Station, Madden Lake region, 70-75 m., Steyermark I7426; vicinity Gamboa, 20-100 m., Pittier 26I3; Barro Colorado Island, Gatun Lake, Zetek s. n., Wood- worth & Vestal 593. PANAMA: along road to Pacora, about 50 m., Allen 820; hills east of Panama City, Powell 44. COLON: Cerro Santa Rita, 1200 ft., Allen & Fairchild 5I94; Rio Gatuncillo, vicinity Santa Rosa, 100 ft., Allen & Allen 4I59. VERAGUAS: Bahia Honda, Taylor 15I5; Elmore H-48; vicinity Sona, about 100 ft., Allen & Allen 4240. BOCAS DEL TORO: vicinity Chiriqui Lagoon, von Wedel 2096.
Note A very common lowland species widely distributed in Central America. It seems probable that it may represent a northern variant of the generic type, Trigonidium obtusum Lindl. of British Guiana and Brazil, differing only in the narrower leaves and the absence of an apparently distinct verrucose callus on the under-surface of the apex of the lip.
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