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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
BelizeCorrell, D. S.1965Supplement to the Orchids of Guatemala (and British Honduras)Fieldiana, Bot.31(7): 177–221
BelizeStann CreekCorrell, D. S.1965Supplement to the Orchids of Guatemala (and British Honduras)Fieldiana, Bot.31(7): 177–221
BelizeToledoCorrell, D. S.1965Supplement to the Orchids of Guatemala (and British Honduras)Fieldiana, Bot.31(7): 177–221
BoliviaFoster, R. C.1958A catalogue of the ferns and flowering plants of BoliviaContr. Gray Herb.184: 1–223
CaribbeanAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
GuatemalaCorrell, D. S.1965Supplement to the Orchids of Guatemala (and British Honduras)Fieldiana, Bot.31(7): 177–221
GuatemalaAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
GuatemalaAlta VerapazAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
GuatemalaAlta VerapazCorrell, D. S.1965Supplement to the Orchids of Guatemala (and British Honduras)Fieldiana, Bot.31(7): 177–221
GuatemalaEscuintlaCorrell, D. S.1965Supplement to the Orchids of Guatemala (and British Honduras)Fieldiana, Bot.31(7): 177–221
GuatemalaIzabalAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
GuatemalaPeténAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
GuatemalaPeténCorrell, D. S.1965Supplement to the Orchids of Guatemala (and British Honduras)Fieldiana, Bot.31(7): 177–221
HondurasMolina R., A.1975Enumeración de las plantas de HondurasCeiba19(1): 1–118
MexicoAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
MexicoTabascoNovelo Retana, A. & L. Ramos Ventura2005Vegetación acuáticaBiodivers. Tabasco(Cap. 5): 111–144
PanamaAmes, O. & D. S. Correll1953Orchids of GuatemalaFieldiana, Bot.26(2): 399–727
PeruSchweinfurth, C.1961Orchidaceae, Orchids of PeruFieldiana, Bot.30(4): 787–1005
PeruBrako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi1993Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of PeruMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.45: i–xl, 1–1286
PeruHuánucoSchweinfurth, C.1961Orchidaceae, Orchids of PeruFieldiana, Bot.30(4): 787–1005
PeruJunínSchweinfurth, C.1961Orchidaceae, Orchids of PeruFieldiana, Bot.30(4): 787–1005
PeruLoretoSchweinfurth, C.1961Orchidaceae, Orchids of PeruFieldiana, Bot.30(4): 787–1005
PeruSan MartínSchweinfurth, C.1961Orchidaceae, Orchids of PeruFieldiana, Bot.30(4): 787–1005
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