2. Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh. (Dutchman’s breeches)
Pl. 418 k–m; Map
occasionally producing slender to relatively stout rhizomes, the bulblets
teardrop-shaped (asymmetrically ovoid and tapered to a sharply pointed tip),
pink or less commonly white. Leaf blades bright green on the upper surface,
somewhat paler (not or only slightly glaucous) and sometimes somewhat yellowish
green on the undersurface, the ultimate segments angled or tapered to a sharply
pointed tip. Sepals 2–5 mm long, broadly ovate. Outer petals 10–16(–20) mm
long, the concave apical portion 2–5 mm long, abruptly spreading to reflexed,
yellow to orangish yellow, the remaining portion white or pinkish-tinged, the
spurs 3–10 mm long, triangular in outline, angled away from the flower stalk. 2n=32.
Scattered to
common nearly throughout the state (eastern [mostly northeastern] U.S. west to
North Dakota and Oklahoma, disjunct in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington; Canada).
Bottomland forests, mesic upland forests in ravines, and bases and ledges of
This is a common
spring wildflower of rich soils in mesic forested areas. Unlike those of D.
canadensis, the flowers of D. cucullaria do not produce a fragrance.