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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/24/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/24/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Gent. Herb. 6:232. 1943.
Description Very slender palm, 3 m. tall; trunk arundinaceous, 1-2 cm. thick, bearing a few small blackish thin spines; leaf-sheaths 20 cm. or more long, closely clasping, armed with very thin spines 1-2.5 cm. long: leaves about 1 m. long, pinnae ir- regular in attachment, very glossy on under glabrous surface, less glossy on duller upper surface which' also discloses a very close puberulence under a lens; pinnae 14-16 either side the slender puberulent rachis, with alternate attachment toward apex but scattered on lower part, unarmed but perhaps a spine or two on the petiole, the pinnae- thin in texture, 16-20 cm. long and 2-2.5 cm. broad, long- acuminate'and very sharp, midrib not very prominent and accompanied by con- spicuous nIerves on either side, margins hispidulose: cymba 10-14 cm. long, appressed on middle with short blackish setose hairs: fruiting spadix 7-9 cm. across either wday, rachillae lightly pubescent: fruit pyriform, 12-14 mm. long, 9-10 mm. thick, glabrous, orange, beak so small as to be hardly noticeable; cupule about 3 mm. deep, with almost continuous and only notched or broken edges.
Distribution Panama.
Specimen COCLt: hills north of El Valle de Anton,- alt. 1000 m., Allen 2150.
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