(Last Modified On 10/24/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/24/2012)
Gent. Herb. 6:232. 1943.
Stems cane-like, usually about 4 m. but sometimes 6 m. tall, 2-3 cm. thick, not always erect but often- twisting or almost scandent or procumbent on surrounding vegetation, foliage with a light grayish aspect, in colonies of many canes: leaves pinnate, nearly' or quite 1 m. long, 5 or 6 in -number and tufted at top of cane; petioles about 20 cm. long, flattened on upper surface and convex on lower surface, with 'sparse gray black-pointed spines 5-9 mm. long and a few flattened ones 2.5-6 cm. long-, leaf-sheaths long, more or less imbricate, persistent, covering much of the cane, short-spiny, upper margins held together by fibrous network; pinnae 65-75, mostly opposite but often with open intervals between them, small, 25-30 cm. long, 2.5-3 cm. broad, the upper ones sometimes only 10-12 cm. long and 9-12 mm. broad, acuminate to sharp points, glabrous, midrib marked but the many lateral veins hardly noticeable, margins scabrid; rachis bearing spines 2-8 cm. long: cymbas firm, interfoliar, persistent, expanded or protruding part of inner or main cymba 14-16 cm. long, 6.5-7.5 cm. wide, acuminate to slender point, bearing many short gray spines some of which may weather away; rachillae when dry; cupule very small, strongly lobed, striate, scarcely applied to base of dru 6-9 cm. long, terete, slender, glabrous: fruit oblate and somewhat irregular in cir- cumference, 20-22 mm. across the long way, about 15-17 mm. high, very little tap- ered -to base, top flat and beak very small, yellow, glabrous, strongly wrinkled when dry; cupule very small, -strongly lobed, striate, scarcely applied to base of drupe.
CANAL ZONE: vicinity of Farfan Beach, Allen 2580. PANAMA: beaches just back of the sea sands, Nueva Gorgona, Allen 255I; Tabeguilla Island, Panama Bay, Allen 2543 (TYPE); Trapiche Island off coast of Pedro Gonzales, Perlas Islands, Allen 26I4. COCLE: Aguadulce, along outskirts of the tidal belt, Pittier 4975.
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