(Last Modified On 10/24/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/24/2012)
Gent. Herb. 6:254. 1943.
Very slender, about 3 m. tall; trunk 1-1.5 cm. thick, rather closely irregularly ringed: leaf-blade 75-80 cm. long, with a pair of broad pinnae at base, another pair at apex and about 5 pairs of narrower ones between; petiolar sheath 20-25 cm. long' (perhaps more), narrow and close-fitting, many-striate; rachis about 40 cm. long to base of upper bilobed part, flattened but slightly ridged above, more or less furfuraceous; lowest and apical pinnae about 30-40 cm. long and 5 or 6 cm. broad, narrowed to long slender point, not sigmoid but falcate in the upper half, not narrowed nor the ribs curved to base, stoutly marked by 5 or 6 ribs 6-10 mm. apart with noticeable finer veins between, cross-veined on upper sur- face, practically glabrous on both faces; intermediate pinnae 1-4 cm. broad, falcate above the middle: fruiting spadix simply branched from a continuing rachis, about 20 cm. long and broad, the glabrous rachillae 12-16 cm. long; peduncle 4-5 cm. long, with about 3 joints where spathe-bracts have fallen: fruit oblong,- 9-10 mm. long and 5 mm. thick, glabrous, nearly obtuse at apex, in- distinctly striate when dry; cupule very small.
COCLE: hills north of El Valle de Anton, alt. about 800 m., Allen 2949.
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