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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/24/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/24/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Gent. Herb. 6:201. 1943.
Description Erect, to 2 m.: leaves pinnate, glabrous unless for minute puberulence under a lens on bottom side; leaf-blade 1.5 m. or more long, 1 m. broad at middle, pinnae opposite and alternate at different parts of the rachis, the rachis triangular in section and ridged; pinnae 25 or more on either side of rachis, long-linear, the main ones 50 cm. long and 4-5 cm. broad at middle, tapering to narrow points but not caudate, splitting at the base as if two or three of them were attached together, midrib prominent and on the under surface more or less lepidote, side-veins less pronounced and few; petiole 1 m. long, somewhat flecked or lepidote but perhaps becoming glabrous, concave on upper face, ridged on lower face: spadix bright pink, glabrous or becoming so; rachillae 30-40 cm. long, very slender and only 1-2 mm. thick when dry, branched, angled in drying, rather closely flowered; staminate buds at anthesis 5-6 mm. long, 2-3 mm. thick, prominently pointed; pistillate buds 2-3 mm. long, not pointed: fruit nearly globular but oblique, 9-10 mm. thick either way when dry, stigmatic point pronounced but not central, cupule applanate and conspicuous; seed with tessellate exterior, solid and white in center, ruminate one-half or more the diameter with coarse projections from the walls.
Distribution Panama
Common Manaca
Specimen CHIRIQUI: vicinity of Bajo Chorro, alt. 1900 m., Worodson d Schery 623.
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