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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/20/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/20/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Eclog. Amer. 2:3, pI. II. 1798.
Synonym Piper grandifolium H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1:46. 1815. Piper riparium H.B.K. loc. cit. 48. 1815. Schilleria riparia Kunth, in Linnaea 13:707. 1839. Schilleria grandifolia Kunth, loc. cit. 709. 1839. ?Piper granatense D. Dietr. Syn. P1. 1: 1 17. 1 8 3 9. Artanthe grandifolia Miq. Syst. Pip. 408. 1844. Artanthe riparia Miq. loc. cit. 409. 1844. Piper pseudo-variabile Trel. in Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 26:23. 1927. Piper pseudo-variabile var. pachypus Trel. loc. cit. 24. 1927. Piper pseudo-variabile var. collium Trel. loc. cit. 1927. Piper marmoreum Trel. in Ann. Mo. Bot. Gard. 24:186. 1937. Piper spissinervium Trel. fide Bro. Tom as Alberto in Colegio San Jose, Medellin, Colombia. Publ. 53-70, p. 18. 1942, name only.
Description A glabrous shrub or small tree, up to 5 m. tall; flowering internodes slender and moderately elongated; leaves ovate with the midrib commonly somewhat nearer one side, 8-23 cm. wide X 16-30 cm. long, or some leaves may be slightly smaller, apex abruptly acuminate, base nearly equilaterally rounded, the upper acute or subacute, the larger lower leaves obtuse to subcordulate, or occasionally cordate, pinnately nerved to the upper one-third or essentially throughout, the nerves 6-8 or 10 on each side, with shorter intermediates, commonly yellow and prominent beneath, the lowermost 2 or 3 pairs more or less approximated at the base, drying chartaceous, somewhat glossy, translucent; petiole 10-30 mm. long, the longer vaginate to or beyond the middle; spikes 4-5 mm. thick and up to 15 cm. long; peduncle rather stout, 5-10 mm. long; bracts rounded-subpeltate, umbonate, smooth above, villous beneath; fruit small, obpyramidal-trigonous, apex somewhat dome-shaped; stigmas 3, sessile.
Distribution Colombia and Panama.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: vicinity of San Felix, alt. 0-120 m., Pittier 5I89, 5262. VERAGUAS: Isla de Coiba, Mendez I2I. COCLE: vicinity of El Valle, alt. 600-1000 m., Allen i8o1; vicinity of Ola, alt. 100-350 m., Pittier 5075; vicinity of El Valle de Anton, alt. 600 m., Allen 200I. CANAL ZONE: along Cafio Quebrada, Pittier 6662; Barro Colorado Island, Miller 2074; Kenoyer 306; Chrysler 4840; Chardon d Nolla i96; Standley 3I308, 40875, 40930, 4I054-a narrow leaved form, 4I076; Rio Paraiso, above East Paraiso, Standley 29892; Las Cascadas Plantation, near Summit, Standley 25700, 295I8, 29658; hills west of the canal, near Gatuin, Standley 27I9I; hills north of Frijoles, Standley 27555; between Frijoles and Monte Lirio, alt. 30 m., Killip I2I45; Las Cascadas Plantation, near Summit, Standley 25733; Battery 46 Hill, Madden Dam road, Miller I772, I773; vicinity of Fort Sherman, Standley 3I022; Obispo, Standley 3I702; Ancon Hill, alt. 180 m., Williams i9; Standley 25I79. COLON: Loma de la Gloria, near Fat6 (Nombre de Dios), alt. 10-104 m., Pittier 3845; along trail to triangulation station on top of Tumba Vieja, alt. 90-200 m., Dodge, Steyermark d Allen I6924. PANAMA: Pacora River, KilliP 3I4I; Rio Tapia, Standley 41i88; Indio, Madden Lake, Miller 206i, 2062, 2063, 2066; Rio Tapia, Standley 26I30- the leaves are somewhat smaller and this may represent a large-leaved form of P. aequale; Juan Diaz, Standley 306i0, 30577; Perlas Archipelago, San Jose Island, Erlanson 354; vicinity of Arenosa, lower Rio Trinidad, alt. 26-50 m., Seibert 622.
Note The large, ovate, glabrous leaves, drying somewhat glossy, with prominent yellow nerves, and smooth, umbonate floral bracts are distinctive features of this species. The leaves show considerable variation in size often on the same specimen. The smaller-leaved specimens approach P. aequale with which this species is very closely related. These two species may, in fact, represent extremes in leaf size of a single strongly variable species.
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