Aegilops cylindrica Host | | 79-81 | | 28 |
Aegilops cylindrica Host | Sopova, M. & Z. Sekovski. 1982. Chromosome atlas of some Macedonian angiosperms. III. God. Zborn. Biol. Fak. Univ. Kiril Metod. 35: 145–161. | 84-85 | | 28 |
Aegilops cylindrica Host | An, Z. P., W. Q. Song, X. L. Li & R. Y. Chen. 1985. The karyotype analysis of Aegilops with special reference to the relationship between the genus and Triticum. J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3(4): 313–318. | 84-85 | | 28 |
Aegilops cylindrica Host | ENDO, T. R. 1996. Allocation of a gametocidal chromosome of Aegilops cylindrica to wheat homoeologous group 2. Genes Genet. Systems 71: 243–246. | 96-97 | | 42 |
Aegilops cylindrica Host | Sheidai, M., A. M. Saeed & B. Zehzad. 1999. Meiotic studies of some Aegilops (Poaceae) species and populations in Iran. Edinburgh J. Bot. 56: 405–419. | 98-00 | | 28 |
Aegilops cylindrica Host | Sokolovskaya, A. P. & N. S. Probatova. 1979. Chromosome numbers of some grasses (Poaceae) in the U.S.S.R. flora. III. Bot. Zhurn. 64 (9): 1245–1258. | 79-81 | | 28 |
Aegilops cylindrica Host | Badaeva, E. D., A. V. Amosova, O. V. Muravenko, T. E. Samatadze, N. N. Chikida, A. V. Zelenin, B. Friebe & B. S. Gill. 2002. Genome differentiation in Aegilops. 3. Evolution of the D-genome cluster. Pl. Syst. Evol. 231(1–4): 163–190. | 01-03 | | 28 |
Aegilops cylindrica Host | Nazarova. 2004. Pages 1--171 in Chromosome Numbers of Flowering Plants of Armenian Flora. Yerevan. | 04-06 | | 28 |
Aegilops cylindrica Host Triticum durum Desf. | Avsenin, V. I., I. I. Motsnyy, A. I. Rybalka & V. I. Fayt. 2003. Hybrids of Aegilops cylindrica Host with Triticum durum Desf. and T. aestivum L. Citol. & Genet. 37(1): 11–17. | 01-03 | | 28-29 |