Canada | | | Soreng, R. J. | 2003 | Agropyron. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): IV. Subfamily Pooideae | Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. | 48: 25–42 |
Canada | | | Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone | 2003 and onwards | On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48 | Internet Cat. New World Grasses | |
Canada | | | Sánchez-Ken, J. G. | 2018 [2019] | Riqueza de especies, clasificación y listado de las gramíneas (Poaceae) de México Species richness, classification and a checklist of the grasses (Poaceae) of Mexico | Acta Bot. Mex. | 126: 1–115 |
Chile | | | Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone | 2003 and onwards | On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48 | Internet Cat. New World Grasses | |
Chile | | | Soreng, R. J. | 2003 | Agropyron. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): IV. Subfamily Pooideae | Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. | 48: 25–42 |
China | Gansu | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
China | Hebei | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
China | Heilongjiang | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
China | Nei Mongol Zizhiqu | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
China | Ningxia Hui | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
China | Qinghai | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
China | Xinjiang Uygur | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
Japan | | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
Mexico | | | Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone | 2003 and onwards | On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48 | Internet Cat. New World Grasses | |
Mexico | | | Beetle, A. A. | 1977 | Noteworthy grasses from Mexico V | Phytologia | 37(4): 317–407 |
Mexico | | | Espejo Serna, M. A., A. R. López-Ferrari & J. Valdés-Reyna | 2000 | Poaceae | Monocot. Mexic. Sinopsis Floríst. | 10: 7–236 [and index] |
Mexico | | | Soreng, R. J. | 2003 | Agropyron. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): IV. Subfamily Pooideae | Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. | 48: 25–42 |
Mexico | Chihuahua | | Beetle, A. A. | 1977 | Noteworthy grasses from Mexico V | Phytologia | 37(4): 317–407 |
Mexico | Chihuahua | | Herrera Arrieta, Y. & A. Cortés Ortiz | 2010 | Listado florístico y aspectos ecológicos de la familia Poaceae para Chihuahua, Durango y Zacatecas, México | J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas | 4(2): 711–738 |
Mexico | Chihuahua | | Sánchez-Ken, J. G. | 2018 [2019] | Riqueza de especies, clasificación y listado de las gramíneas (Poaceae) de México Species richness, classification and a checklist of the grasses (Poaceae) of Mexico | Acta Bot. Mex. | 126: 1–115 |
Mongolia | | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
Pakistan | | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
Peru | | | Soreng, R. J. | 2003 | Agropyron. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): IV. Subfamily Pooideae | Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. | 48: 25–42 |
Peru | | | Standley, P.C. | 1936 | Gramineae en: J.F. Macbride, Flora of Peru. | Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. | 13(1/1): 96–261 |
Peru | | | Brako, L. & J. L. Zarucchi | 1993 | Catalogue of the flowering plants and gymnosperms of Peru | Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. | 45: i–xl, 1–1286 |
Peru | | | Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone | 2003 and onwards | On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48 | Internet Cat. New World Grasses | |
Russian Federation | | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
South Korea | | | Flora of China Editorial Committee | 2006 | Flora of China (Poaceae) | Fl. China | 22: 1–733 |
Turkey | | | Cabi, E. & M. Doğan | 2012 | Poaceae | Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi | 690–756 |
United States | | | Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone | 2003 and onwards | On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48 | Internet Cat. New World Grasses | |
United States | | | Sánchez-Ken, J. G. | 2018 [2019] | Riqueza de especies, clasificación y listado de las gramíneas (Poaceae) de México Species richness, classification and a checklist of the grasses (Poaceae) of Mexico | Acta Bot. Mex. | 126: 1–115 |
United States | | | Cronquist, A. J., A. H. Holmgren, N. H. Holmgren & Reveal | 1977 | Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. | Intermount. Fl. | 6: 1–584 |
United States | | | Great Plains Flora Association | 1986 | (none) | Fl. Great Plains | i–vii, 1–1392 |
United States | | | Correll, D. S. & M. C. Johnston | 1970 | (none) | Man. Vasc. Pl. Texas | i–xv, 1–1881 |
United States | | | Soreng, R. J. | 2003 | Agropyron. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): IV. Subfamily Pooideae | Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. | 48: 25–42 |
United States | Texas | | Correll, D. S. & M. C. Johnston | 1970 | (none) | Man. Vasc. Pl. Texas | i–xv, 1–1881 |