Agrostis cimicina (L.) Poir.
Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone. 2003 and onwards. On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48. http://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:. In R. J. Soreng, G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, T. S. Filgueiras, E. J. Judziewicz & O. Morrone (eds.) Internet Cat. New World Grasses. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Zuloaga, F. O. & O. Morrone. 2003. Alloteropsis. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and Danthonioideae. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 46: 16.
Agrostis digitata Lam.
Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone. 2003 and onwards. On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48. http://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:. In R. J. Soreng, G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, T. S. Filgueiras, E. J. Judziewicz & O. Morrone (eds.) Internet Cat. New World Grasses. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Zuloaga, F. O. & O. Morrone. 2003. Alloteropsis. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and Danthonioideae. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 46: 16.
Alloteropsis latifolia (Peter) Pilg.
Clayton, W. D. & S. A. Renvoize. 1982. Gramineae (Part 3). 451–898. In W. B. Turrill & R. M. Polhill (eds.) Fl. Trop. E. Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Alloteropsis quintasii (Mez) Pilg.
Clayton, W. D. & S. A. Renvoize. 1982. Gramineae (Part 3). 451–898. In W. B. Turrill & R. M. Polhill (eds.) Fl. Trop. E. Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Axonopus cimicinus (L.) P. Beauv.
Clayton, W. D. & S. A. Renvoize. 1982. Gramineae (Part 3). 451–898. In W. B. Turrill & R. M. Polhill (eds.) Fl. Trop. E. Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Clayton, W. D., G. Davidse, F. W. Gould, M. Lazarides, T. R. Soderstrom & N. A. Harriman. 1994. Poaceae. 8: 1–458. In M. D. Dassanayake & F. R. Fosberg (eds.) Revis. Handb. Fl. Ceylon. Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Flora of China Editorial Committee. 2006. Flora of China (Poaceae). 22: 1–733. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
Kellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven. 2020. Checklist of the grasses of India. PhytoKeys 163: 1–560.
Nasir, E. & S. I. Ali (eds). 1980-2005. Fl. Pakistan Univ. of Karachi, Karachi.
Phillips, S. M. 1995. Poaceae (Gramineae). Fl. Ethiopia 7: i–xx, 1–420.
Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone. 2003 and onwards. On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48. http://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:. In R. J. Soreng, G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, T. S. Filgueiras, E. J. Judziewicz & O. Morrone (eds.) Internet Cat. New World Grasses. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Zuloaga, F. O. & O. Morrone. 2003. Alloteropsis. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and Danthonioideae. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 46: 16.
Axonopus latifolius Peter
Clayton, W. D. & S. A. Renvoize. 1982. Gramineae (Part 3). 451–898. In W. B. Turrill & R. M. Polhill (eds.) Fl. Trop. E. Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Coridochloa cimicina (L.) Nees
Coridochloa cimicina (L.) Nees ex B.D. Jacks.
Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone. 2003 and onwards. On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48. http://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:. In R. J. Soreng, G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, T. S. Filgueiras, E. J. Judziewicz & O. Morrone (eds.) Internet Cat. New World Grasses. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Zuloaga, F. O. & O. Morrone. 2003. Alloteropsis. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and Danthonioideae. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 46: 16.
Coridochloa cimicina (L.) Nees ex Chase
Barkworth, M.E., K.M. Capels, S. Long & M.B. Piep. 2003. Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae, part 2. 25: i–xxv, 1–783. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee (eds.) Fl. N. Amer.. Oxford University Press, New York.
Kellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven. 2020. Checklist of the grasses of India. PhytoKeys 163: 1–560.
Nasir, E. & S. I. Ali (eds). 1980-2005. Fl. Pakistan Univ. of Karachi, Karachi.
Phillips, S. M. 1995. Poaceae (Gramineae). Fl. Ethiopia 7: i–xx, 1–420.
Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone. 2003 and onwards. On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48. http://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:. In R. J. Soreng, G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, T. S. Filgueiras, E. J. Judziewicz & O. Morrone (eds.) Internet Cat. New World Grasses. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Zuloaga, F. O. & O. Morrone. 2003. Alloteropsis. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and Danthonioideae. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 46: 16.
Eriachne melicacea var. fragrans F.M. Bailey
Lazarides, M. 1995. The genus Eriachne (Eriachneae, Poaceae). Austral. Syst. Bot. 8(3): 355–452.
Milium cimicinum L.
Bor, N. L. 1960. Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan i–xviii, 1–767. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Clayton, W. D. & S. A. Renvoize. 1982. Gramineae (Part 3). 451–898. In W. B. Turrill & R. M. Polhill (eds.) Fl. Trop. E. Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Clayton, W. D., G. Davidse, F. W. Gould, M. Lazarides, T. R. Soderstrom & N. A. Harriman. 1994. Poaceae. 8: 1–458. In M. D. Dassanayake & F. R. Fosberg (eds.) Revis. Handb. Fl. Ceylon. Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Flora of China Editorial Committee. 2006. Flora of China (Poaceae). 22: 1–733. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
Kellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven. 2020. Checklist of the grasses of India. PhytoKeys 163: 1–560.
Nasir, E. & S. I. Ali (eds). 1980-2005. Fl. Pakistan Univ. of Karachi, Karachi.
Phillips, S. M. 1995. Poaceae (Gramineae). Fl. Ethiopia 7: i–xx, 1–420.
Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone. 2003 and onwards. On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48. http://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:. In R. J. Soreng, G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, T. S. Filgueiras, E. J. Judziewicz & O. Morrone (eds.) Internet Cat. New World Grasses. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Zon, A. P. M. v. 1992. Graminées du Cameroun. Wageningen Agric. Univ. Pap. 92–1(2): 1–557.
Zuloaga, F. O. & O. Morrone. 2003. Alloteropsis. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and Danthonioideae. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 46: 16.
Panicum cimicinum (L.) Retz.
Bor, N. L. 1960. Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan i–xviii, 1–767. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Clayton, W. D. & S. A. Renvoize. 1982. Gramineae (Part 3). 451–898. In W. B. Turrill & R. M. Polhill (eds.) Fl. Trop. E. Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Clayton, W. D., G. Davidse, F. W. Gould, M. Lazarides, T. R. Soderstrom & N. A. Harriman. 1994. Poaceae. 8: 1–458. In M. D. Dassanayake & F. R. Fosberg (eds.) Revis. Handb. Fl. Ceylon. Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Flora of China Editorial Committee. 2006. Flora of China (Poaceae). 22: 1–733. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
Kellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven. 2020. Checklist of the grasses of India. PhytoKeys 163: 1–560.
Nasir, E. & S. I. Ali (eds). 1980-2005. Fl. Pakistan Univ. of Karachi, Karachi.
Phillips, S. M. 1995. Poaceae (Gramineae). Fl. Ethiopia 7: i–xx, 1–420.
Soreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone. 2003 and onwards. On-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48. http://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:. In R. J. Soreng, G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, T. S. Filgueiras, E. J. Judziewicz & O. Morrone (eds.) Internet Cat. New World Grasses. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Zuloaga, F. O. & O. Morrone. 2003. Alloteropsis. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and Danthonioideae. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 46: 16.
Urochloa cimicina (L.) Kunth
Bor, N. L. 1960. Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistan i–xviii, 1–767. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Clayton, W. D. & S. A. Renvoize. 1982. Gramineae (Part 3). 451–898. In W. B. Turrill & R. M. Polhill (eds.) Fl. Trop. E. Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.
Flora of China Editorial Committee. 2006. Flora of China (Poaceae). 22: 1–733. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.
Kellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven. 2020. Checklist of the grasses of India. PhytoKeys 163: 1–560.
Nasir, E. & S. I. Ali (eds). 1980-2005. Fl. Pakistan Univ. of Karachi, Karachi.
Phillips, S. M. 1995. Poaceae (Gramineae). Fl. Ethiopia 7: i–xx, 1–420.
Urochloa quintasii Mez
Clayton, W. D. & S. A. Renvoize. 1982. Gramineae (Part 3). 451–898. In W. B. Turrill & R. M. Polhill (eds.) Fl. Trop. E. Africa. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.