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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Monogr. Pasp. 106. 1810.
Synonym Paspalum taphrophyllum Steud. Syn. P1. Glum. 1:19. 1854. Paspalum distachyon Willd. ex Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. 22:73. 1877.Paspalum notatum var. latiflorum Doell in Mart. Fl. Bras. 22:73. 1877. Paspalum saltense Arech. Anal. Mus. Nac. Montevideo 1:53. 1894.
Description Rhizomatous perennial forming dense sods; culms 15-50 cm. high, flattened, glabrous; leaves crowded toward the base, the lower sheaths short, overlapping, those of the culm few, elongate; sheaths keeled, compressed, glabrous or sometimes pubescent, the margins often ciliate toward the summit; ligule very short, mem- branaceous; blades 2-30 cm. long, 3-10 mm. wide, glabrous, the margins ciliate at least toward the base; racemes 2 or rarely 3, 2.5-12 cm. long, subconjugate, ascending, more or less arcuate, the rachis about 1 mm. wide; spikelets 2.5-3.8 mm. long, solitary, ovate or obovate, the glume and sterile lemma equal, firm, smooth and shining; fruit 2.5-3.5 mm. long, oval.
Distribution Open ground, Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: David, Hitchcock 8367; Boquete, Woodson 1& Schery 725. COCLE: between Las Margaritas and El Valle, Woodson, Allen d Seibert I265. CANAL ZONE: Balboa, Hitchcock 7998, 8009. PANAMA: Chepo, Pittier 4453; Chorrera, Hitchcock 8I36.
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