Themeda quadrivalvis (L.) Kuntze Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Literature Based Distribution
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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
Andaman IslBor, N. L.1960(none)Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistani–xviii, 1–767
ArgentinaBurkart, A. E. & M. Toursarkissian1969Andropogoneae. In A. Burkart, GramineasFl. Il. Entre Ríos2: 447–508
ArgentinaFilgueiras, T. S.2003Themeda. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and DanthonioideaeContr. U.S. Natl. Herb.46: 613
ArgentinaSoreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone2003 and onwardsOn-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48Internet Cat. New World Grasseshttp://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:
ArgentinaJujuyZuloaga, F. O., E. G. Nicora, Z. Rúgolo, O. Morrone, J. F. Pensiero & A. M. Cialdella1994Catálogo de la familia Poaceae en la República ArgentinaMonogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.47: 1–178
ArgentinaSanta FéBurkart, A. E. & M. Toursarkissian1969Andropogoneae. In A. Burkart, GramineasFl. Il. Entre Ríos2: 447–508
BrazilForzza, R. C.2010(none)Lista de espécies Flora do Brasilhttp://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010
BurmaFlora of China Editorial Committee2006Flora of China (Poaceae)Fl. China22: 1–733
BurmaBor, N. L.1960(none)Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistani–xviii, 1–767
CaribbeanGould, F. W.1979Poaceae. In R. A. Howard (ed.)Fl. Lesser Antilles3: 25–220
CaribbeanHitchcock, A. S.1936(none)Man. Grasses W. Ind.1–439
CaribbeanCatasus Guerra, L.1997Las gramíneas (Poaceae) de Cuba, IFontqueria46: [i–ii], 1–259
CaribbeanFilgueiras, T. S.2003Themeda. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and DanthonioideaeContr. U.S. Natl. Herb.46: 613
CaribbeanSoreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone2003 and onwardsOn-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48Internet Cat. New World Grasseshttp://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:
CaribbeanSánchez-Ken, J. G.2018 [2019]Riqueza de especies, clasificación y listado de las gramíneas (Poaceae) de México Species richness, classification and a checklist of the grasses (Poaceae) of MexicoActa Bot. Mex.126: 1–115
CaribbeanBarbadosGould, F. W.1979Poaceae. In R. A. Howard (ed.)Fl. Lesser Antilles3: 25–220
CaribbeanBarbadosHitchcock, A. S.1936(none)Man. Grasses W. Ind.1–439
CaribbeanCubaHitchcock, A. S.1936(none)Man. Grasses W. Ind.1–439
CaribbeanCubaCatasus Guerra, L.1997Las gramíneas (Poaceae) de Cuba, IFontqueria46: [i–ii], 1–259
CaribbeanCubaCienfuegosCatasus Guerra, L.1997Las gramíneas (Poaceae) de Cuba, IFontqueria46: [i–ii], 1–259
CaribbeanCubaIsla de la JuventudCatasus Guerra, L.1997Las gramíneas (Poaceae) de Cuba, IFontqueria46: [i–ii], 1–259
CaribbeanCubaLa HabanaCatasus Guerra, L.1985Aportes agrostológicos a la flora de CubaActa Bot. Cub.26: 1–4
CaribbeanCubaLa HabanaCatasus Guerra, L.1985Revisión del género Themeda (Poaceae) en CubaActa Bot. Cub.35: 1–3
CaribbeanCubaLa HabanaCatasus Guerra, L.1997Las gramíneas (Poaceae) de Cuba, IFontqueria46: [i–ii], 1–259
CaribbeanCubaMatanzasCatasus Guerra, L.1997Las gramíneas (Poaceae) de Cuba, IFontqueria46: [i–ii], 1–259
CaribbeanCubaVilla ClaraCatasus Guerra, L.1997Las gramíneas (Poaceae) de Cuba, IFontqueria46: [i–ii], 1–259
CaribbeanDominican RepublicHitchcock, A. S.1936(none)Man. Grasses W. Ind.1–439
CaribbeanLeeward IslandsGould, F. W.1979Poaceae. In R. A. Howard (ed.)Fl. Lesser Antilles3: 25–220
CaribbeanWindward IslandsGould, F. W.1979Poaceae. In R. A. Howard (ed.)Fl. Lesser Antilles3: 25–220
CaribbeanWindward IslandsHitchcock, A. S.1936(none)Man. Grasses W. Ind.1–439
ChinaKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
ChinaGuangdongFlora of China Editorial Committee2006Flora of China (Poaceae)Fl. China22: 1–733
ChinaGuangxiFlora of China Editorial Committee2006Flora of China (Poaceae)Fl. China22: 1–733
ChinaGuizhouFlora of China Editorial Committee2006Flora of China (Poaceae)Fl. China22: 1–733
ChinaYunnanFlora of China Editorial Committee2006Flora of China (Poaceae)Fl. China22: 1–733
ChinaYunnanSánchez-Ken, J. G., R. Cerros-Tlatilpa & H. Vibrans2013Themeda quadrivalvis (Sacchareae, Panicoideae, Poaceae), una maleza reglamentada presente y establecida en el estado de Morelos, MéxicoBot. Sci.91(4): 531–536
ChinaYunnanYuan MouSánchez-Ken, J. G., R. Cerros-Tlatilpa & H. Vibrans2013Themeda quadrivalvis (Sacchareae, Panicoideae, Poaceae), una maleza reglamentada presente y establecida en el estado de Morelos, MéxicoBot. Sci.91(4): 531–536
IndiaSánchez-Ken, J. G., R. Cerros-Tlatilpa & H. Vibrans2013Themeda quadrivalvis (Sacchareae, Panicoideae, Poaceae), una maleza reglamentada presente y establecida en el estado de Morelos, MéxicoBot. Sci.91(4): 531–536
IndiaKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaFlora of China Editorial Committee2006Flora of China (Poaceae)Fl. China22: 1–733
IndiaHitchcock, A. S.1936(none)Man. Grasses W. Ind.1–439
IndiaBor, N. L.1960(none)Grass. Burma, Ceylon, India & Pakistani–xviii, 1–767
IndiaGould, F. W.1979Poaceae. In R. A. Howard (ed.)Fl. Lesser Antilles3: 25–220
IndiaAndhra PradeshKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaBiharKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaGoaKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaGujaratKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaKarnatakaKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaKeralaKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaMadhya PradeshKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaMaharashtraKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaManipurKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaNagalandKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaOdishaKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaRajasthanKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaSikkimKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaTamil NaduKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaUttar PradeshKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaUttarankhandKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
IndiaWest BengalKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
MalaysiaBarkworth, M.E., K.M. Capels, S. Long & M.B. Piep2003Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae, part 2Fl. N. Amer.25: i–xxv, 1–783
MexicoMorelosSánchez-Ken, J. G.2018 [2019]Riqueza de especies, clasificación y listado de las gramíneas (Poaceae) de México Species richness, classification and a checklist of the grasses (Poaceae) of MexicoActa Bot. Mex.126: 1–115
MexicoMorelosTepoztlánSánchez-Ken, J. G., R. Cerros-Tlatilpa & H. Vibrans2013Themeda quadrivalvis (Sacchareae, Panicoideae, Poaceae), una maleza reglamentada presente y establecida en el estado de Morelos, MéxicoBot. Sci.91(4): 531–536
MexicoSonoraSánchez-Ken, J. G., R. Cerros-Tlatilpa & H. Vibrans2013Themeda quadrivalvis (Sacchareae, Panicoideae, Poaceae), una maleza reglamentada presente y establecida en el estado de Morelos, MéxicoBot. Sci.91(4): 531–536
MyanmarKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
NepalKellogg, E. A., J. R. Abbott, K. S. Bawa, K. N. Gandhi, B.R. Kailash, K.N. Ganeshaiah, U.B. Shrestha & P. H. Raven2020Checklist of the grasses of IndiaPhytoKeys163: 1–560
NepalFlora of China Editorial Committee2006Flora of China (Poaceae)Fl. China22: 1–733
ThailandFlora of China Editorial Committee2006Flora of China (Poaceae)Fl. China22: 1–733
TurkeyCabi, E. & M. Doğan2012PoaceaeTürkiye Bitkileri Listesi690–756
United StatesSánchez-Ken, J. G.2018 [2019]Riqueza de especies, clasificación y listado de las gramíneas (Poaceae) de México Species richness, classification and a checklist of the grasses (Poaceae) of MexicoActa Bot. Mex.126: 1–115
United StatesSoreng, R. J., G. Davidse, P. M. Peterson, F. O. Zuloaga, E. J. Judziewicz, T. S. Filgueiras & O. Morrone2003 and onwardsOn-line taxonomic novelties and updates, distributional additions and corrections, and editorial changes since the four published volumes of the Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae) published in Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. vols. 39, 41, 46, and 48Internet Cat. New World Grasseshttp://www.tropicos.org/Project/CNWG:
United StatesFilgueiras, T. S.2003Themeda. In Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): III. Subfamilies Panicoideae, Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, and DanthonioideaeContr. U.S. Natl. Herb.46: 613
United StatesCaliforniaBarkworth, M.E., K.M. Capels, S. Long & M.B. Piep2003Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae, part 2Fl. N. Amer.25: i–xxv, 1–783
United StatesKansasBarkworth, M.E., K.M. Capels, S. Long & M.B. Piep2003Magnoliophyta: Commelinidae (in part): Poaceae, part 2Fl. N. Amer.25: i–xxv, 1–783
VietnamFlora of China Editorial Committee2006Flora of China (Poaceae)Fl. China22: 1–733
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