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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/22/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/22/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1:187. 1816.
Synonym Andropogon lanuginosus H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 1:187. 1816. Anatherum domingense Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2:809. 1817. Andropogon domingensis Steud. Nom. Bot. 45. 1821. Andropogon leucostachyus subvar. subvillosus Hack. in DC. Monogr. Phan. 6:420. 1889. Sorghum leucostachyum Kuntze, Rev. Gen. P1. 2:792. 1891.
Description Slender perennial; culms in small dense tufts, erect, 25-70 cm. high, glabrous; sheaths narrow, compressed, glabrous, the lower ones crowded; ligule 1-2 mm. long, thin, truncate, minutely erose; blades 5-15 cm. long, or those on the innova- tions as much as 35 cm. long, 1-3 mm. wide, acute, scaberulous; flowering branch- es few, long and slender, sparingly branched; racemes paired, sometimes 3, exserted on long slender peduncles, the spathes rather long, but very narrow and incon- spicuous; rachis and sterile pedicels slender but straight, densely villous, the spread- ing hairs commonly 10 mm. long; sessile spikelet 3 mm. long, glabrous, awnless; pedicellate spikelet wanting.
Distribution Open, usually dry, fields and hillsides, Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: El Boquete, Hitchcock 8240 1.2; Pittier 3324; Bajo Boquete, Killip 4578; David, Hitchcock 8363, 8364; Cerro Vaca, Pittier 5348. CANAL ZONE: between France Field, Canal Zone, and Catival, Colon, Standley 30428; Monte Lirio, Maxon 6864; Frijoles, Standley 3I497; Empire to Mandinga, Piper 5279; Culebra, Hitchcock 7936; Summit, Standley 301i8; between Pedro Miguel and Corozal, Hitchcock 7989; Corozal, Killip 4094; Standley 27402; Ancon Hill, Killip 40I3, 42i8, 12Io8; Balboa, Standley 25652. PANAMA: Juan Diaz, Allen 928; Chorrera, Hitchcock 8I45; Rio Tecu'men, Standley 26522.
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