(Last Modified On 10/22/2012)
(Last Modified On 10/22/2012)
Ess. Agrost. 54, 168. 1812.
Panicum hirtellum L. Syst. Nat. ed. 10. 2:870. 1759. Orthopogon cubensis Spreng. Syst. Veg. 1:307. 1825. Echinochloa cubensis Schult. Mant. 3 (Add. 1):596. [1827]. Oplismenus cubensis Kunth, Rev. Gram. 1:45. 1829. Panicum cubense Steud. Nom. Bot. ed. 2. 2:255. 1841. Oplismenus chondrosioides Fourn. Mex. PI. 2:39. 1886.
Widely spreading perennial; culms with short internodes, freely branching, decumbent-spreading and rooting at the nodes, the erect or ascending branches 20-70 cm. long; sheaths glabrous to densely papillose-hispid, the margins ciliate, the lower ones usually much shorter than the internodes, the upper frequently overlapping; blades 4-10 cm., rarely 15 cm., long, 1-2 cm. wide, acuminate, usually asymmetric, rather thin, glabrous or sometimes pubescent, the margins scabrous; inflorescence 5-15 cm. long, of 3-7 stiffly ascending, rather distant racemes 1-2 cm., rarely 3 cm., long, the rachis more or less papillose-hispid, es- pecially at the base; spikelets 3-3.5 mm. long, glabrous to sparsely pilose; glumes about equal, 2 mm. long; awns glabrous, usually purplish, that of the first glume 5-10 cm. long, that of the second about 2 mm. long; sterile lemma acuminate; fruit 3 mm. long, elliptic, acute, minutely striate.
Moist forests, thickets, and banks of rivers and streams, Mexico and the West Indies to Argentina.
BOCAS DEL TORO: Laguna de Chiriqui, Hart 83; Old Bank Island, von Wedel 2073. CHIRIQUI: Volcan de Chiriqui, Hitchcock 8I94; El Boquete, Hitchcock 8309, 8312. COCLE: Rio Mata Ahogado, Allen I29. CANAL ZONE: Fort Sherman, Standley 31046; Gatuin, Hitchcock 9184; Frijoles, Standley 27569; Barro Colorado Island, Standley 3I25I; Darien Station, StandleY 3I636; Bailey & Bailey 113; Las Cascadas Plantation, Standley 257I2, 29498; Culebra, Standley 26010; East Paraiso, Standley 29929; Ancon Hill, Killip 4206; Balboa, Standley 29263. PANAMA: Campana, Allen I3I9.
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