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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Bot. Jahrb. (Engler) 37:375. 1906.
Description Coarse erect perennial; culms 1-1.5 m. high; sheaths all longer than the inter- nodes, glabrous, the lowermost crowded, becoming flattened and coiled at the base of the plant with age; blades elongate, 3-5 mm. wide, flat but becoming involute, very scabrous on the margins, hairy on the upper surface toward the base; panicles 10-30 cm. long, silvery or tinged with gold or purple, the branches ascending or spreading, rather lax, sometimes naked at the base; spikelets 10-14 mm. long, mostly 3-flowered, the glumes narrow, acuminate, exceeding the florets; lemmas 7-8 mm. long, acuminate, bifid, the awned teeth 1-2 mm. long, the awn 4-10 mm. long.
Distribution Ravines and bogs at high altitudes, Costa Rica to Peru.
Specimen CHIRIQUI: Volcan de Chiriqui, Hitchcock 82I9.
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