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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/16/2012)
PlaceOfPublication Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 22. 1788.
Synonym Paspalum pedunculatum Poir. in Lam. Encycl. Suppl. 4:315. 1816. Panicum decumbens Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. 2:429. 1817. Paspalum vaginiflorum Steud. Syn. P1. Glum. 1:19. 1854. Dimorphostachys pedunculata Fourn. Mex. PI. 2:15. 1886.
Description Perennial, sometimes appearing almost like an an- nual; culms 10-70 cm. long, freely branching, erect or usually decumbent-spreading, the ends ascending, often rooting at the lower, more or less pubescent or pilose nodes; sheaths about as long as or a little shorter than the internodes, compressed, keeled, papillose-pilose to nearly glabrous, the margins densely ciliate; ligule mem- branaceous, about 0.5 mm. long; blades 2-15 cm. long, usually 5-10 cm., 6-12 mm. wide, rounded at the base, acuminate, softly pubescent on both surfaces or glabrous with a few scattered stiff hairs, the margins papillose- ciliate; peduncles 2-8 from the upper sheaths, slender, usually elongate; racemes solitary, 1-3.5 cm. long, arcuate; rachis very narrow, pubescent at the base; spikelets paired, 1.7 mm. long, obovate, glabrous, the first glume developed; second glume obtuse, about half as long as the spikelet; fruit as long as the sterile lemma, pale, minutely striate.
Distribution Open or brushy banks, woods, and thickets, often a weed in waste ground, Guatemala and the West Indies to Brazil and Bolivia.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Laguna de Chiriqui, Hart i8o. CHIRIQUI: David, Hitchcock 836I; San Felix, Pittier 5185, 5752. COLON: Perme, G. Proctor Cooper III 270; Catival, Stand- ley 30274. CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Kenoyer I28; Obispo, Standley 3I662; Culebra, Hitchcock 7939, 8iI5; between Pedro Miguel and Corozal, Hitchcock 7990; Balboa, Standley 29299. PANAMA: Chorrera, Hitchcock 8I4I; Taboga Island, Hitch- cock 8088.
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